Welcome to the September 2022 Daily Current Affairs MCQ One Liner Section of PuzzlesHuB. Current Affairs Quiz will Boost Your GA Section. Daily One Liner Current Affairs About national and international news are provided here. Read these one-liners for quick revision for those who are preparing for IBPS/SBI/Po/Clerk and other competitive exams.
Daily Current Affairs, 22 September 2022 :
1. When and why is International Day of Peace celebrated every year?
Ans. 21 September – Every year on ’21 September’ ‘International Day of Peace’ is celebrated for an ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among all countries and individuals.
2. How many villages of Madhya Pradesh have been selected under the Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana?
Ans. 1074 – Under the Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana, 1074 villages of the state of Madhya Pradesh have been selected. For the best implementation of this scheme in the year 2021-22, three districts have been selected at the national level, in which ‘Guna’ district of the state is second and ‘Sehore’ district is at third place.
3. The virus that causes Lassa fever is found in West Africa, where was this fever discovered?
Ans. Nigeria – The outbreak of Lassa fever is spreading rapidly in Nigeria, due to which many people are being affected. This fever was discovered in the year 1969 in Lasa, Nigeria.
4. How many 53,021 Indian students have been awarded the Inspire Award under the INSPIRE scheme?
Ans. About 53,021 – Union Science and Technology Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh has recently provided financial assistance to about 53,000 students under the INSPIRE scheme.
5. Recently the Uttarakhand government laid the foundation stone of the meter span double lane motor bridge between India and which nation, being built at a cost of Rs 32 crore 98 lakh 40 thousand.
Ans. Nepal – Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has laid the foundation stone of 110 meter span double lane motor bridge being built on Kali river at a cost of Rs 32 crore 98 lakh 40 thousand between India-Nepal nation at Malla Charchhum in Dharchula region of Uttarakhand.
6. Recently in which country the ‘No Body No Parole’ law will be implemented soon?
Ans. Australia – The ‘No Body No Parole’ law is going to come into force very soon in the New South Wales (NSW) province of Australia. Under this new law in the province, the accused will not be eligible for parole until he gives accurate information about his crimes.
7. Which of the following day is celebrated on 21st September?
Ans. World Alzheimer’s Day – Every year on 21 September ‘World Alzheimer’s Day’ is celebrated to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
8. Which country will launch its first lunar rover in November 2022?
Ans. UAE – This year in November 2022, the United Arab Emirates will launch its first lunar rover named Rashid from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
9. Which bank has recently launched Everyday Savings Account (Daily Savings Account)?
Ans. Kotak Mahindra Bank – Recently private sector Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMBL) has launched a special type of Everyday Savings Account (Daily Savings Account) to help the customers with every day spending and every day savings.
10. India and which country have recently signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of defense?
Ans. Egypt – India and the country of Egypt have recently signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of defense which will pave the way for increasing defense cooperation in all areas of mutual interest.
प्रश्न 1: हाल ही में राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों के पर्यटन मंत्रियों का राष्ट्रीय सम्मलेन कहाँ आयोजित किया गया है ?
उत्तर- हिमांचल प्रदेश।
प्रश्न 2: किस राज्य ने हाल ही में ‘512 नई इंदिरा रसोइयों’ का शुभारम्भ किया है ?
उत्तर- राजस्थान।
प्रश्न 3: हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने स्कूलों में अनिवार्य खेल पीरियड और ‘नो बैग डे’ शुरू करने का फैसला किया है ?
उत्तर- बिहार।
प्रश्न 4: हाल ही में डूरंड कप का 131वां संस्करण किसने जीता है ?
उत्तर- बंगलुरु FC. प्रश्न
5: किसे हाल ही में SLAM का नया अध्यक्ष चुना गया है ?
उत्तर- विनोद अग्रवाल
प्रश्न 6: हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने ‘नंजरायण टैंक’ को ‘पक्षी अभ्यारण्य’ के रूप में अधिसूचित किया है ?
उत्तर- तमिलनाडु।
प्रश्न 7: किस राज्य के राज्यपाल ने हाल ही के ‘120 फ़ीट लम्बा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज’ राष्ट्र को समर्पित किया है ?
उत्तर- जम्मू कश्मीर।
प्रश्न 8: हाल ही में ‘LIC इंडिया लिमिटेड’ के CMD कौन बने हैं ?
उत्तर- प्रसन्ना कुमार मोटूपल्ली।

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