Ten persons are sitting in twelve seats in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent seats. In row-1, A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are facing South, and in row-2, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting and all of them are facing North. One seat is vacant in each row. Therefore in the given seating arrangement, each seat in a row faces another seat of the other row. All of them like a different colours i.e. Red, Green, Pink, Blue, Purple, White, Black, Grey, Violet and Yellow.
• S sits third to the right of R and likes Blue color. Only two people sit between Q and Vacant seat.
• Q does not like Purple and Pink color. E is not an immediate
neighbor of C.
• B likes yellow color. The one who likes Pink color faces the one who likes Grey color.
• The one who likes Pink color sits opposite to the one, who sits third to the right of the one, who sits opposite to S.
• C is not an immediate neighbor of D.
• T, who likes neither Purple nor White color, does not face
vacant seat.
• Neither S nor R sits at an extreme ends. D faces R.
• Vacant seats are not opposite to each other.
• Two seats between C and B, who sits third right of the one, who likes Black color.
• The one who likes Violet color faces the one, who likes Blue
• The person who likes Red color and Grey color are adjacent to each other.
• Vacant seat of row-1 is not an immediate neighbor of D.Q sits at one of the extreme ends.
• R does not like Red and Grey color.
• Vacant seat of row-1 does not face S also does not sit at any of the extreme ends.
Solution :

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