TANGEDCO Field Assistant Examination Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2020

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TANGEDCO Field Assistant Examination Syllabus 2020

Name of Organization  : Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO)

Number of Vacancies:  2900Posts

Name of Posts: Field Assistant  Posts

Kind of Declaration: Exam Syllabus/ Pattern

Type of Exam: Written Examination & Physical Test

Selection Procedure : The selection process will comprise of written test ( OMR BASED ) and Physical Test

Official Website : www.tangedco.gov.in

Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 


Name of the PostDuration of the
Field Assistant(Trainee)2 HoursThe Question paper will have three parts. Part I, Part II and Part III. The questions will be of Objective type and will be set at ITI level.

OMR EXAMINATION: The question paper for OMR BASED EXAMINATION will be of
Objective type in the ITI level and it will be in English as well as in Tamil.


TypeNo. of
No. of alter- native answersMax
mark for
Negative wrong
mark for
1Part I2041201/3
2Part II2041201/3
3Part III6041601/3


  • To use blue or black ink Ball Point Pen only.
  • Answer sheet will be invalidated if shaded in Pencil.
  •  The answer sheet will be invalidated if the box for Booklet Series is notshaded and could not be identified even by physical verification of the answersheet.
  • Marks will not be deducted for the questions left unanswered.
  • Multiple shading will be considered as wrong answer.
i)Part – I
General Tamil and
General English
2 hours100
Aptitude & Mental Ability
iii)Part — III
Subject oriented
60 items/


The following methodology will be followed for arriving ranking for Direct Recruitment to the post of Field Assistant (Trainee) :-

  •  Ranking will be based on the merit of marks obtained by the candidates in the OMR Examination.
  • If more than one candidate have scored same marks then the candidates with the lesser wrong answer will be placed higher in the ranking. The questions which were left unanswered will not be taken into account as wrong answer.
  •  In case, if one or more candidates having same marks and with same number of wrong answer, then the candidate who is senior as per his/her date of birth will be placed higher in the rank.
  •  In case, if one or more candidates having same marks, with same number of wrong answer and also with same date of birth, then the candidate who have submitted online application earlier will be placed higher in the ranking.
  • Even after the above if one or more candidates having equal footing then ranking will be arrived as per the alphabetical order of names.

S.S.L.C. Standard (Objective Type)

1. Match the following words and Phrases given in Column A with their meanings in
Column B.
2. Choose the correct ‘Synonyms’ for the underlined word from the options given
3. Choose the correct ‘Antonyms’ for the underlined word from the options given
4. Select the correct word (Prefix and Suffix)
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Article
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition
7. Select the correct Question Tag
8. Select the correct Tense
9. Select the correct Voice
10. Fill in the blanks (Infinitive, Gerund and Participle)
11. Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence (Subject, Verb and Object.)
Blanks with correct ‘Homophones’
12. Find out the Error (Articles, Prepositions, Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb)
13. Comprehension
14. Select the correct sentence
15. Find out the odd words (Verb, Noun, Adjective and Adverb)
16. Select the correct Plural forms
17. Identify the sentence (Simple, Compound and Complex Sentence)
18. Identify the correct Degree.
19. Form a new word by blending the words.
20. Form compound words (Eg: Noun+Verb and Gerund+Noun)


Conversion of information to data Collection, compilation and presentation of data Tables, graphs, diagrams Analytical interpretation of data Simplification –Percentage Highest Common Factor (HCF) Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Ratio and Proportion Simple interest Compound interest Time and Work Logical Reasoning – Puzzles Visual Reasoning Number Series.

FIELD ASSISTANT (ITI – Electrician/Wireman)

1. Basic Safety introduction – Personal protection – Elementary First Aid.

2. Fundamental of electricity. Electron theory-free, Electron – Fundamental terms, definitions, units & effects of electric current

3. Properties of conductors, insulators and semi-conductors. Types of wires & cables standard wire gauge.

4. Ohm’s Law, Simple electrical Circuits and problems. Kirchoff’s Laws and applications, Wheatstone bridge principle.

5. Routine care & maintenance of Batteries. Electric Wirings, I.E. rules, Types of wirings. Earthing.

6. Wiring System – PVC, concealed system. Fuses, Relays, Miniature circuit breakers (MCB), ELCB, etc.

7. Working principle of Transformer. Classification C.T., P.T. Instrument. Type of Cooling for transformer, Protective Devices.

8. Electrical Measuring Instruments-Types – Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter, Wattmeter, P.F.Meter & Energy Meter.

9. Induction Motor – Single phase, Three phase working principle. Construction, characteristics. Transformer Winding.

10. Generation sources of energy, Types of fuels, Various ways of electrical power generation.

11. Introduction of Single phase, three phase- 3 wire system in transmission lines. Overhead Lines. Main components of overhead lines. Standard Conductor materials, line supports, insulators, types of insulators. Under Ground Cable – Construction of cables.

12. Distribution of Power – Function and equipment used in Sub-Station. Classification of Distribution System. Circuit Breakers – Introduction & classification of Circuit Breakers. Lightning arrestors.


i) The Physical Test shall contain 3 activities as detailed below:-

  • a) Activity – i
  • POLE CLIMBING AND CROSS ARM FIXING – The candidate has to properly wear the belt rope, have to climb the 9 meters PSC pole (ie., 30 feet pole) and have to carry along with him one end of rope in which the other end will be kept tied with 3 – phase cross arm. The candidate has to fix the wooden support for foot rest, have to tie the belt rope with the pole for safety purpose and have to fix the 3 – Phase Cross Arm at the top of the pole securely and he should have to safely climb down. The Cross Arm should be fixed around one feet from the top of the pole. The above process should be completed within 8 minutes in one chance.
  • b) Activity – ii
    Plaiting of rope with AAAC 7/3.15 mm conductor, marking and fixing the conductor on creeper, binding and fixing in the HT Disc and inserting the M.Pin. The number of rotations to be made while binding should not be less than 20 rounds. The above process should be completed within 2 minutes in one chance.
  • c) Activity – iii : The candidate has to successfully Lift and Carry 3 Nos. of 3 1/2 feet V-Cross Arm
    (around 35 kg) for a distance of 100 meters in one minute in one chance without putting the
    weight down.
  • ii) Those who have not properly tied the belt rope will not be allowed for further participation in the physical test and such candidates will be deemed to be considered as failed in the physical test.
  • iii) The candidates should not use any device for climbing the pole.
  • iv) The candidate who successfully completes the first activity alone will be permitted for second activity and those who completes first and second activity alone will be permitted for third activity.
  • v) The candidates who have passed all the above activities alone will be permitted to appear in the Competitive Written Examination for further selection process.
  • vi) No points or marks or priority will be given in the written examination based on the performance in the above physical activities.
  • vii) No exemption will be provided to woman or Differently Abled Persons or any other persons who are unable to (or) refuse to perform the physical test and such candidates will be deemed to be considered as failed in the physical test.

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