Puzzle – 76 (Moderate) (Linear Based)

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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are nine people sitting in 2 parallel rows
such that there are 5 seats in each row. One of the rows has 1 vacant seat. They like different colors – Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Purple, Red, White and Yellow.

A sits third to the left of F, who likes Blue. A sits in the row in which there is no vacant seat. D likes Black. F and G faces each other and likes Blue and Pink respectively. One who likes Purple faces C. B sits in the middle of south facing row and person who likes Black faces him. H likes green color and faces vacant seat. C and F sits at the extreme ends of the same row and one of them likes white color. E sits second to the right of B. A likes neither yellow nor red color.

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