Puzzle – 44 (HIGH) (Box Based)

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There are eight boxes named P, Q, R, S, T, J, L and Y. They are placed one above the other. Each box contains different chocolates Munch, Perk, 5 star, Kitkat, Dairy milk, Milky bar, Bar one and Eclairs but not necessarily in the same order.

Only one box is between Box T and the box which contains Munch. Three boxes are there between Box T and Box J. Two boxes are Box L and the box which contains Eclairs. Box L is placed above the box which contains Eclairs. Box L is placed above Box T. Neither Box J nor Box T is placed at topmost or lowermost position. Number of boxes above Y is same as the number of boxes below the box which contains Eclairs. Two boxes are placed between Box Y and the box which contain 5 star. Only one box is between Box Q and the box which contains Bar one. Box Q does not contain Eclairs. Two boxes are there between P and the box which contains perk. Neither Box J nor Box L contains Perk. Box P is not the lowermost box. Box P is not placed just below Box T. Box R is placed just above the box which contains Milky bar. Neither Box J nor Box T contains Kitkat. Two boxes are between R and the box which contains Kitkat. Box S does not contain Bar one. Box J is placed below Box T.

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