The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 29 May 2021

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Here You Will Get Important The Hindu Vocab Lists For Exams Like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams, and so forth. PuzzlesHuB gives you 10 new vocab words daily From The Hindu Editorial on the daily regular schedule which will profit you in the upcoming assessments. The Hindu Editorial vocab list is a booster and an important part of learning and understanding the English language. It will surely improve your reading skills and marks in exams like SSC / Bank Po / Bank Clerk / SBI JA / SBI PO other Competitive Exams. We collect daily top 10 vocabulary words used regularly from the Hindu newspaper.

? The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 29 May 2021 ?

  1. NOTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (उल्लेखनीय): noteworthy
    Synonyms: remarkable, outstanding
    Antonyms: insignificant
    Example Sentence:
    The gardens are notable for their collection of magnolias and camellias.
  2. FLAUNT (VERB): (शान दिखाना): show off
    Synonyms: parade, exhibit
    Antonyms: hide
    Example Sentence:
    Newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity.
  3. EXASPERATION (NOUN): (खीज): irritation
    Synonyms: annoyance, chagrin
    Antonyms: pleasure
    Example Sentence:She rolled her eyes in exasperation.
  4. VOLATILE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्थिर): tense
    Synonyms: strained, fraught
    Antonyms: stable
    Example Sentence:The political situation was becoming more volatile.
  5. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): despairing
    Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
    Antonyms: cheerful
    Example Sentence:
    A desperate sadness had enveloped my mind.
  6. WHITTLE (VERB): (काटना): erode
    Synonyms: wear away, eat away
    Antonyms: increase
    Example Sentence:
    The shortlist of fifteen was whittled down to five.
  7. SLENDER (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
    Synonyms: limited, slight
    Antonyms: considerable
    Example Sentence:
    He helped people of slender means.
  8. WIT (NOUN): (वाक्-पटुता): intelligence
    Synonyms: shrewdness, cleverness
    Antonyms: stupidity
    Example Sentence:
    She does not lack perception or native wit.
  9. DEFAMATORY (ADJECTIVE): (अपवादक): libellous
    Synonyms: slanderous, defaming
    Antonyms: complimentary
    Example Sentence:
    He used a defamatory statement to mention her.
  10. RIDICULE (VERB): (उपहास करना): deride
    Synonyms: mock, laugh at
    Antonyms: praise
    Example Sentence:
    His theory was ridiculed and dismissed.

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