Eight persons from different states such as Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Meghalaya and Assam live on eight different floors of a building as the lowermost floor as numbered one and the floor above it is numbered 2 and the topmost floor is numbered 8. They are attending interview in 8 different banks such as SBI, BOI, PNB, HDFC, ICICI, UBI, SIB and UCO. And each of them attending interview on different cites Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. None of the given information are in the same order.
• The person who is from Jharkhand attending interview in UCO.
• The person who is attending interview in SIB attending interview in Hyderabad.
• The third floor stayed person attending interview in BOI and
attending interview in Mumbai.
• PNB interview is attending by the person who is attending interview in Chennai.
• Minimum of three persons stayed below the person from Assam And the person who belongs to Haryana not stayed in the odd numbered floor.
• The number of persons attending interview in Chennai and Hyderabad is same.
• Gujarat state person stayed two floor below from the person who is belongs to Jharkhand.
• The top floor is not occupied by the person from Meghalaya. The person who attend interview in SBI held in Bangalore.
• The persons from Haryana and Jharkhand attending interview in same city and both of them not attending interview in Chennai and also three persons stayed in between them.
• The persons who are attending interview in HDFC and BOI are
attending interview in same city with the one who is attending interview in ICICI.The person who stayed in first floor attend interview in PNB.
• The person who attend interview in Bangalore stayed in fourth floor. There are four persons stayed in between the person from Meghalaya and Haryana.
• The lowest floor is occupied by the Rajasthan state person. Three persons attend interview in only one city and the person from Meghalaya who is attending interview in ICICI is one of them.
• The person from Karnataka and the person who attending interview in ICICI are not stayed in the even numbered floor.
• Only one person attending interview in Bangalore city. The person from Maharashtra who attending interview in UBI stayed in even numbered floor and is attending interview in same city with the person, who is attending interview in PNB.
• Hyderabad interview is attending by the person who is from Haryana. The person who attending interview in UCO stayed above the floor of the person who is attending interview in SIB.
• The person from Karnataka who is attending interview in BOI attending interview in same city with the state person from Assam.
Solution :

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