Puzzle – 220 (Moderate) (Floor Based)

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There are nine floors building in the area in which nine persons are living on different floor separately. The ground floor is number 1 and so on. Nine persons are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. They also prefer different brands in their life like Rebook, Adidas, Nike, Gucci, Puma, Levis, Pepe, Zara and Spykar but not necessarily in the same order.

I is sitting on the even number floor but not on the eight floor. There is gap of two floor between the I and the person who prefers Zara brand. There is gap of two floor between the person who prefer Zara and Adidas brand. The person who prefers Zara brand lives on top floor. The person who prefers Rebook brand lives on the odd number floor. E prefers Rebook brand and he does not live immediately above or below the floor on which I lives. There are gap of two floors between E and D live. D prefers Puma brand. A prefers levis brand and he lives on the even number floor. There are gap of two floors between the A and the person who likes Gucci brand. There is gap of one floor between the person who likes Gucci and Spykar brand. B prefers Spykar brand and lives one of the floor above on which the person who prefers Gucci brand lives. C prefers Nike brand and lives on even number of floor but not on the second floor. F does not prefer Pepe and Zara brand. G does not prefer Zara brand.

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