Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on different floors in the same building, the building has eight floors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground floor is numbered 1, the above floor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most floor is numbered 8. One floor is vacant. They like different animals- J, K, L, M, N, O and P. All of them was born in different months Starting from January to July, of the same year and on same date.
G lives on an even numbered floor below the 5th floor and likes O. There are only two floors in between the floor on which G lives and D who was born in June. Only three persons live between the one who was born in April and the one who was born in January. The persons who live above the vacant floor were born on the months having odd numbered of days. B likes L and lives on 3rd floor. A is older than G. C lives on an even numbered floor above the vacant floor but not immediate above. Only two persons live between the one who likes P and vacant floor which is above of that floor. Top floor is not vacant. Second youngest person of the group likes M. A likes N and lives on an odd numbered floor. The one who likes K was worn in March. F is the second oldest person of the group.
Solution :

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