TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2023 ~ Download Exam Pattern

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TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus PDF Download: The Group 2 Examination will be held by the Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC). The TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus is provided below; go over the topics to get a sense of the challenging subjects. Candidates can then create a study regimen based on the Syllabus. The Syllabus can be downloaded through the sources provided below.

TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus In English

Name of the BoardTelangana State Public  Service Commission (TSPSC)
Name of the PostGroup 2
Exam DateWill be Announced Later
Selection ProcessWritten Examination

TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2023 PDF in Telugu:

Paper – I (General Studies & General Abilities):

  • Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
  • International Relations and Events.
  • General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology
  • Environmental Issues; Disaster Management – Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.
  • World Geography, Indian Geography and Geography of Telangana State.
  • History and Cultural Heritage of India.
  • Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
  • Policies of Telangana State.
  • Social Exclusion, Rights Issues and Inclusive Policies.
  • Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
  • Basic English. (10th Class Standard)

Paper – II (History, Polity & Society):

i) Socio-Cultural History of India and Telangana:
  • Salient features of Indus Valley Civilization: Society and Culture. -Early and Later Vedic Civilizations; Religious Movements in Sixth Century B.C. –Jainism and Buddhism. Socio, Cultural Contribution of Mauryas, Guptas, Pallavas, Chalukyas, Cholas Art and Architecture – Harsha and the Rajput Age.
  • The Advent of Islam and the Establishment of Delhi Sultanate-Socio, Cultural Conditions under the Sultanate –Sufi and Bhakti Movements. The Mughals: Social and Cultural Conditions; Language, Literature, Art and Architecture. Rise of Marathas and their contribution to Culture; Socio-Cultural conditions in the Deccan under the Bahamanis and Vijayanagara – Literature, Art and Architecture.
  • Advent of Europeans: Rise and Expansion of British Rule: Socio-Cultural Policies – Cornwallis, Wellesley, William Bentinck, Dalhousie and others. The Rise of Socio-Religious Reform Movements in the Nineteenth Century. Social Protest Movements in India –Jotiba and Savithribai Phule, Ayyankali, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Naicker, Gandhi, Ambedkar etc. 
  • Socio-Cultural Conditions in Ancient Telangana– Satavahanas, Ikshvakus, Vishnukundins, Mudigonda and Vemulawada Chalukyas. Religion, Language, Literature, Art and Architecture; Medieval Telangana – Contribution of Kakatiya, Rachakonda and Devarakonda Velamas, Qutub Shahis; Socio -Cultural developments: Emergence of Composite Culture. Fairs, Festivals, Moharram, Ursula, Jataras etc.
  • Foundation of AsafJahi Dynasty- from Nizam –ul- Mulk to Mir Osaman Ali Khan – SalarJung Reforms Social system and Social conditions-Jagirdars, Zamindars, Deshmuks, and Doras- Vetti and Bhagela system and position of Women. Rise of Socio-Cultural Movements in Telangana: Arya Samaj, Andhra Maha Sabha, Andhra Mahila Sabha, Adi-Hindu Movements, Literary and Library Movements. Tribal and Peasant Revolts: Ramji Gond, Kumaram Bheemu, and Telangana Peasant Armed Struggle – Police Action and the End of Nizam Rule
II. Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics.
  • Evolution of Indian Constitution – Nature and salient features – Preamble. Fundamental Rights – Directive Principles of State Policy – Fundamental Duties.
  • Distinctive Features of Indian Federalism – Distribution of Legislative and Administrative Powers between Union and States.
  • Union and State Governments – President – Prime Minister and Council of Ministers; Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers – Powers and Functions.
  • Rural and Urban Governance with special reference to the 73rd and 74th Amendments.
  • Electoral System: Free and fair Elections, Malpractices; Election Commission; Electoral Reforms and Political Parties.
  • Judicial System in India – Judicial Activism.
  • Special Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Women and Minorities.
  • Welfare Mechanism for Enforcement – National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and National Commission for Backward Classes.
  • Indian Constitution: New Challenges.
III. Social Structure, Issues and Public Policies
  • Indian Social Structure: Salient Features of Indian society: Caste, Family, Marriage, Kinship, Religion, Tribe, Women, Middle class – Socio-cultural Features of Telangana Society.
  • Social Issues: Inequality and Exclusion: Casteism, Communalism, Regionalism, Violence against Women, Child Labour, Human trafficking, Disability and Aged.
  • Social Movements: Peasant’s Movements, Tribal movements, Backward Class Movements, Dalit Movements, Environmental Movements, Women’s Movements, Regional Autonomy Movements, and Human Rights Movements.
  • Telangana Specific Social Issues: Vetti, Jogini, Devadasi System, Child labor, Girl child, Fluorosis, Migration, Farmer’s and Weaver’s Distress.
  • Social Policies and Welfare Programmes: Affirmative Policies for SCs, STs, OBC, Women, Minorities, Labour, Disabled and Children; Welfare Programmes: Employment, Poverty Alleviation Programmes; Rural and Urban, Women and Child Welfare, Tribal Welfare.

Paper – III (Economy & Development):

I. Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges:
  • Growth and Development: Concepts of Growth and Development –Relationship between Growth and Development
  • Measures of Economic Growth: National Income- Definition, Concepts and Methods of measuring National Income; Nominal and Real Income.
  • Poverty and Unemployment: Concepts of Poverty – Income based Poverty and Non-Income based poverty ; Measurement of Poverty; Unemployment- Definition, Types of Unemployment
  • Planning in Indian Economy: Objectives, Priorities, Strategies, and Achievements of Five-year Plans – 12th FYP; Inclusive Growth – NITI Aayog
II. Economy and Development of Telangana.
  • Telangana Economy in undivided Andhra .Pradesh (1956-2014)- Deprivations (Water (Bachavat Committee), Finances (Lalit, Bhargava, Wanchu Committees) and Employment( Jai Bharat Committee, Girgilan Committee) and Under Development.
  • Land Reforms in Telangana: Abolition of Intermediaries: Zamindari, Jagirdari and Inamdari; Tenancy Reforms; Land ceiling; Land alienation in Scheduled Area
  • Agriculture and Allied Sectors: Share of Agriculture and Allied sectors in GSDP; Distribution of land holdings; Dependence on Agriculture; Irrigation- Sources of Irrigation; Problems of Dry land Agriculture; Agricultural credit.
  • Industry and Service Sectors: Industrial Development; Structure and Growth of Industry sector micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector; Industrial Infrastructure; Industrial Policy of Telangana; Structure and Growth of Service sector
III. Issues of Development and Change
  • Development Dynamics: Regional Inequalities in India – Social Inequalities – Caste, Ethnicity (tribe), Gender and Religion; Migration; Urbanisation.
  • Development and Displacement: Land Acquisition Policy; Resettlement and Rehabilitation.
  • Economic Reforms: Growth, Poverty and Inequalities – Social Development (education and health); Social Transformation; Social Security.
  • Sustainable Development: Concept and Measurement; Sustainable Development Goals.

Paper – IV (Telangana Movement & State Formation):

I. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970)
  • Historical Background: Telangana as a distinctive cultural unit in Hyderabad Princely State, its geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features- people of Telangana- castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs, festivals and important places in Telangana. Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung and Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis; Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan, VII Nizam’s Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki – Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects League known as the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance; Merger of Hyderabad State into Indian Union in 1948- Employment policies under Military Rule and Vellodi,1948-52; Violation of Mulki-Rules and Its Implications. 
  • Hyderabad State in Independent India– Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao and 1952 Mulki-Agitation; Demand for Employment of Local people and City College IncidentIts importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial debates and demand for Telangana State-Reasons for the Formation of States Reorganization Commission (SRC) under Fazal Ali in 1953-Main Provisions and Recommendations of SRC-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s views on
    SRC and smaller states.
  • Formation of Andhra Pradesh, 1956: Gentlemen’s Agreement – its Provisions and Recommendations; Telangana Regional Committee, Composition, Functions and Performances -Violation of Safeguards Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences-Post-1970 development Scenario in Telangana-Agriculture, Irrigation, Power, Education, Employment, Medical and Health etc.
  • Violation of Employment and Service Rules: Origins of Telangana Agitation- Protest in Kothagudem and other places, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana. Role of Intellectuals, Students, and Employees in Jai Telangana Movement.
  • Formation of Telangana Praja Samithi and Course of Movement – the Spread of Telangana Movement- Major Events, Leaders and Personalities- All Party Accord – Go 36 – Suppression of Telangana Movement and its Consequences-The Eight Point and Five-Point Formulas-Implications.
II. Mobilisational phase (1971 -1990):
  • Court Judgements on Mulki Rules– Jai Andhra Movement and its Consequences- Six Point Formula 1973, and its Provisions; Article 371-D, Presidential Order, 1975-Officers (Jayabharat Reddy) Committee Report- G.O. 610 (1985); its Provisions and Violation- Reaction and Representations of Telangana Employees
  • Rise and Spread of Naxalite Movement, causes and consequences – Anti-Landlord Struggles in Jagityala-Siricilla, North Telangana; Rytu-Cooli Sanghams; Alienation of Tribal Lands and Adivasi Resistance- Jal, Jungle, and Zamin.
  • Rise of Regional Parties in the 1980s and Changes in the Political, Socio-Economic and Cultural fabric of Telangana– Notion of Telugu Jathi and suppression of Telangana identity- Expansion of new economy in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana; Real Estate, Contracts, Finance Companies; Film, Media and Entertainment Industry; Corporate Education and Hospitals etc; Dominant Culture and its implications for Telangana self-respect, Dialect, Language and Culture.
  • Liberalization and Privatizations policies in the 1990s and their consequences – Emergence of regional disparities and imbalances in political power, administration, education, and employment- Agrarian crisis and decline of Handicrafts in Telangana and its impact on Telangana Society and economy
  • Quest for Telangana identity-intellectual discussions and debates– political and ideological efforts-Growth of popular unrest against regional disparities, discrimination, and underdevelopment of Telangana.
III. Towards Formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)
  • Public awakening and Intellectual reaction against discrimination– formation of Civil society organization, Articulation of separate Telanagana Identity; Initial organizations raised the issues of separate Telangana; Telangana Information Trust – Telangana Aikya Vedika, Bhuvanagiri Sabha – Telangana Jana Sabha, Telangana Maha Sabha – Warangal Declaration – Telangana Vidyavanthula Vedika; etc., Efforts of Telangana Congress & BJP in highlighting the issue
  • Establishment of Telangana Rashtra Samithi in 2001, Political Realignment and Electoral Alliances in 2004, and later Phase of Telangana Movement – TRS in UPA- Girgliani Committee- Telangana Employees Joint Action Committee – Pranab Mukherjee Committee- 2009-Elections-AlliancesTelangana in Election Manifestos- The agitation against Hyderabad as Free-zone – and Demand for separate Statehood- Fast-Unto-Death by K.Chandra Shekar Rao-Formation of Political Joint Action Committee (2009)
  • Role of Political Parties-TRS, Congress, B.J.P., Left parties, T.D.P., M.I.M and other political parties such as Telangana Praja Front, Telangana United Front, etc., Dalit-Bahujan Sanghams and Grassroots Movement organizations – Other Joint Action Committees and popular protests- Suicides for the cause of Telangana.
  • Cultural Revivalism in Telangana, other symbolic expressions in Telangana Movement- Literary forms- performing arts and other cultural expressions- writers, poets, singers, intellectuals, Artists, Journalists, Students, Employees, Advocates, Doctors, NRIs, women, Civil society groups, organized and unorganized sectors, castes, communities and other social groups in transforming the agitation into a mass movement-Intensification of Movement, Forms of Protest and Major events: SakalajanulaSamme, Non-Cooperation Movement; Million March, etc.,
  • Parliamentary Process; UPA Government’s stand on Telangana– All-Party Meeting- Anthony Committee- Statements on Telangana by Central Home Minister – Sri Krishna Committee Report and its Recommendations, AP Assembly and Parliamentary proceedings on Telangana, Declaration of TelanganaState in Parliament, Andhra Pradesh State Reorganization Act, 2014- Elections and victory of Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the first Government of Telangana State.

TSPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern 2022:

PartPaperSubjectNo of QuestionsNo of MarksDuration
Part-APaper IGeneral Studies & General Abilities1501502 ½
Paper IIHistory, Polity & Society150 (3×50)1502 ½
Paper IIIEconomy & Development150 (3×50)1502 ½
Paper IVTelangana Movement & State Formation150 (3×50)1502 ½

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