Here You Will Get Important The Hindu Vocab Lists For Exams Like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams and so forth. PuzzlesHuB provides you 10 new vocab words daily From The Hindu Editorial on the daily regular schedule which will profit you in the upcoming assessments. The Hindu Editorial vocab list is a booster and important part of learning and understanding the English language. It will sure improve your reading skills and marks in exams like SSC / Bank Po / Bank Clerk / SBI JA / SBI PO other Competitive Exams. We collect daily top 10 vocabulary words used regularly from the hindu newspaper.
? The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 January 2020 ?
? 1. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (देशी) originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
✨ Synonyms: domestic, homegrown
? Antonyms: alien, foreign
? Example Sentence:
ISRO successfully test-fired an indigenous missile.
? 2.INKLING (NOUN): (आभास) a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint.
✨ Synonyms: clue, hunch
? Antonyms: knowledge, information
? Example Sentence:
The records give us an inkling of how people saw the world.
? 3.ESPIONAGE (NOUN): (जासूसी) typically by governments to obtain political and military information.
✨ Synonyms: reconnaissance, intelligence
? Antonyms: candid, frank
? Example Sentence:
He will be punished severely if he is found guilty of espionage.
? 4. BUYBACK (NOUN): (छूट) concession
✨ Synonyms: privilege, allowance
? Antonyms: repudiation, refusal
? Example Sentence:
There are many buyback offers in the market.
? 5. UNVEIL (VERB): (ख़ुलासा) show or announce publicly for the first time.
✨ Synonyms: disclose, display
? Antonyms: conceal, veil
? Example Sentence:
They will unveil a new car very soon.
? 6. CONTEMPORANEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (आधुनिक) existing at or occurring in the same period of time.
✨ Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary
? Antonyms: different, separate
? Example Sentence:
The contemporaneous ringing of the multiple phone lines kept the new receptionist very busy.
? 7. CAULK (VERB): (गहनी करना) Secure
✨ Synonyms: block, barricade
? Antonyms: free, loosen
? Example Sentence:
Adeel caulked me from a broken reed.
? 8. PURGE (NOUN): (परिशोध) an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people.
✨ Synonyms: expulsion, extermination
? Antonyms: keeping, holding
? Example Sentence:
Manoj was feeling shy of telling her about her purge from the contest.
? 9.PRECINCT (NOUN): (प्रसीमा) the area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular building or place,department.
✨ Synonyms: area, ward
? Antonyms: whole, full
? Example Sentence:
I am working in this precinct.
? 10. QUIETUDE (NOUN): (शांति/संतोष) a state of stillness, calmness, and quiet in a person or place.
✨ Synonyms: doldrums, hush
? Antonyms: disturbance, agitation
? Example Sentence:
Be quietude don’t escape your lips.

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