Here You Will Get Important The Hindu Vocab Lists For Exams Like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams and so forth. PuzzlesHuB provides you 10 new vocab words daily From The Hindu Editorial on the daily regular schedule which will profit you in the upcoming assessments. The Hindu Editorial vocab list is a booster and important part of learning and understanding the English language. It will sure improve your reading skills and marks in exams like SSC / Bank Po / Bank Clerk / SBI JA / SBI PO other Competitive Exams. We collect daily top 10 vocabulary words used regularly from the hindu newspaper.
? The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16 March 2020 ?
RAVE (VERB): talk endlessly: (बड़बड़ाना)
Synonyms: babble, gabble
Antonyms: be quiet, be silent
Example Sentence:
Nancy was raving about a black ghost.
- SKIRT (VERB): dodge.: (टालना)
Synonyms: avoid, evade
Antonyms: confront, encounter
Example Sentence:
Summer and Mayra are both skirting the issue.
- WAIVE (VERB): stop: (रोकना)
Synonyms: let go, give up
Antonyms: carry out, continue
Example Sentence:
The government is thinking of waiving of import duty on life-saving drugs.
- QUIP (NOUN): A clever remark: (टिप्पड़ी)
Synonyms: banter, gag
Antonyms: praise, flattery
Example Sentence:
She is quite intelligent and is in the habit of making quips.
- SETBACK (NOUN): hitch:(बाधा)
Synonyms: hindrance, impediment
Antonyms: assistance, aid
Example Sentence:
I can’t handle more setbacks in production.
- AGILE (ADJECTIVE):nimble: (चुस्त)
Synonyms: lithe, spry
Antonyms: slow, sluggish
Example Sentence:
The police acted with agility and apprehended the robbers.
- JUXTAPOSITION (NOUN): the act of placing two things next to each other for implicit comparison.: (निकटता)
Synonyms: nearness, proximity
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Example Sentence:
The interior designer admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch and green table
- JEJUNE (ADJECTIVE): dull: (रसहीन)
Synonyms: boring, banal
Antonyms: interesting, active
Example Sentence:
Apaar left for Mumbai because he got tired of jejune life in his home town.
- RAMIFY (VERB):branch: (विशाखन करना)
Synonyms: bifurcate, divulge
Antonyms: abridge, combine
Example Sentence:
These plants ramify early and get to be very large.
- COALESCE (VERB): blend: (सम्मिलित होना)
Synonyms: fuse, integrate
Antonyms: divide, separate
Example Sentence:
The puddles had coalesced into shallow streams.

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