Daily Puzzle Questions (16-03-2020)

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Here you will get 2 to 5 Puzzle Questions from Monday to Friday. Daily Visit PuzzlesHuB to solve these puzzle questions on a daily basis to improve your score in the reasoning section. All the Puzzles provided here are good quality puzzles and based on real exam level. If you like these puzzles & want us to continue to provide you quality puzzles, please share our website with all your Aspirants friends.

SBI CLERK & RBI Assistant Mains Targeted Puzzles :

Puzzle 1

In an university, for the B.Tech programme, There are six students i.e. M, N, O, P, Q and R going to college on different days of week from Monday to Sunday. They all belong to different cities i.e. Patna, Goa, Lucknow, Kanpur, Chennai and Delhi.

The one who is going just after holiday, belongs to Delhi. O does not go on Friday. M is going immediately after P. The one who is going on Tuesday belongs to Lucknow. There is a gap of two days between N and R. There are five days gap between the one who belongs to Kanpur and Chennai. There is one holiday except Saturday. R is going on the next day of holiday. Q is going on Wednesday and it is not immediately followed by R. Q belongs to Patna. M does not belong to Kanpur. The one who is going just before M, belongs to Goa.

Solution :

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Puzzle 2

There are eight friends i.e. C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J who have decided to roam around the city. So they have seated in a Bus which has two parallel rows. Each row has five seat. All eight friends has seated on this two parallel row. C, D, E, and F have seated on a 1st row, facing towards North. G, H, I and J have seated on row 2 and faces South. Each row has one vacant seat but both vacant seats are not facing to each other. Each friend belong to different cities i.e. Delhi, Patna, Goa, Bhopal, Lucknow, Kolkata, Pune and Kanpur.

E sits 2nd left of a vacant seat. D who is from Kanpur, is the immediate neighbor of vacant seat. The one who faces D is vacant and H sits immediate right of G who sits immediate right of the one who belongs to Bhopal. C faces J who sits 2nd right of Vacant seat. F and D sit at extreme end of the row. I belongs to Delhi. H does not belong to Lucknow. The one who belongs to Kolkata sits immediate left of the one who belongs to Pune. C and H do not belong to Pune. The one who faces the person from Pune, belongs to Goa.

Solution :

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Puzzle 3

There are eight persons P, R, Q, U, W, S, T, and V are seated in a row (but not necessarily in the same direction). Some of them are facing towards north direction and some of them are facing towards south direction.

Q sits 2nd to the left of the one who is 3rd to the right of T. T is not facing towards the north. V and Q faces opposite direction. P does not face the same direction as W faces. Q sits 4th to the left of R. W is an immediate neighbor of U, who faces the same direction as R faces. Neither Q nor T sits any of the extremes ends of the row. S sits 2nd right of U. Only one person sits to the left of the T. R does not sit any of the extremes ends of the row. P, who sits at one of the extreme ends of the row, sits 2nd left of U. S faces towards south direction. The one, who sits 3rd to the right of the one, who sits immediate right of W, doesn’t face to the north direction.

Solution :

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Puzzle 4

Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G like seven different fast foods viz, Burger, Idli Dosa, Samosa, Poha, Pizza and Sandwich, are sitting in the same row facing north direction. Each person likes exactly one fast food and no two people like the same fast food.

It is known that D is not sitting adjacent to F and doesn’t like Sandwich. F likes Idli and sitting adjacent to E but not adjacent to the person who likes Burger. C likes Samosa and is sitting third to the left of E. A likes Poha and is sitting adjacent to the person who likes Dosa. B likes Burger and is not sitting at any of the extreme corners. Only two people are sitting to the right of E and none of them likes Burger.

Solution :

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Puzzle 5

There are seven family members T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z sitting in a row facing north. There are three couples in the family.

W is on the immediate left of her father-in-law. Y has two children. V sits second to the right of her mother U, who is third to the left of Z, who is second to the left of X. The one who is the husband of Y does not sit on the extreme ends of the row. Z is the son of X, who is the husband of Y. The one who is the husband of U sits an extreme end of the row. U is the sister-in-law of Z. V is the niece of W.

Solution :

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