The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 02 January 2020

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Here You Will Get Important The Hindu Vocab Lists For Exams Like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams and so forth. PuzzlesHuB provides you 10 new vocab words daily From The Hindu Editorial on the daily regular schedule which will profit you in the upcoming assessments. The Hindu Editorial vocab list is a booster and important part of learning and understanding the English language. It will sure improve your reading skills and marks in exams like SSC / Bank Po / Bank Clerk / SBI JA / SBI PO other Competitive Exams. We collect daily top 10 vocabulary words used regularly from the hindu newspaper.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist 02 January 2020

POIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): (मार्मिक) evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. 
Synonyms: dolorous, tragic
Antonyms: unemotional, unmoving, dull 
Example Sentence: 
A poignant reminder of the passing of time.

VENGEFUL (ADJECTIVE): (बदला लेनेवाला) seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury. 
Synonyms: vindictive, rancorous 
Antonyms: merciful, condoning 
Example Sentence: 
She was stabbed to death by her vengeful wife. 

ESCHEW (VERB): (त्याग करना) deliberately avoid using; abstain from. 
Synonyms: shun, elude 
Antonyms: embrace, pursue 
Example Sentence: 
“He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence” 

BRAVADO (NOUN): (साहस प्रदर्शन) a bold manner 
Synonyms: bluster, bragging 
Antonyms: modesty, cowardice 
Example Sentence: 
He possesses none of the classic wheeler-dealer’s casual bravado. 

HASTE (NOUN): (जल्दबाजी ) excessive speed or urgency of movement 
Synonyms: swiftness, celerity 
Antonyms: sluggishness, leisure 
Example Sentence: 
Accuracy is not compatible with haste. 

ANOMALY (NOUN): (विसंगति) something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. 
Synonyms: aberration, oddity 
Antonyms: normality, usualness 
Example Sentence: 
There are a number of anomalies in the present system. 

NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कुटिल) (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal. 
Synonyms: vicious, villainous, odious 
Antonyms: virtuous, ethical, moral 
Example Sentence: 
The nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates. 

HYSTERIA (NOUN): (उन्माद) exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement. 
Synonyms: frenzy, mania 
Antonyms: serenity, placidity 
Example Sentence: 
She could whip a crowd into hysteria. 

ENDOW (VERB): (प्रदानकरना) provide with a quality, ability, or asset. 
Synonyms: endue, bestow 
Antonyms: withhold, dispossess 
Example Sentence: 
He was endowed with tremendous physical strength.

VENOM (NOUN): (द्वेष) extreme malice and bitterness shown in someone’s attitudes, speech, or actions. 
Synonyms: rancor, malevolence 
Antonyms: love, goodwill, benevolence 
Example Sentence: 
Snake venoms have different effects.

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