SSC CGL Exam Analysis (Tier 1): 5 March 2020 (All Shifts)

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SSC CGL Examination Analysis 2020 for Tier-I Examination

SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2020: For the very first shift of the first day, SSC CGL 2020 (Tier 1) examination analysis has been provided. With the assistance of our experts and cooperation of our students, now we have been capable of providing you with the whole examination review. We will be covering the following points to provide you the full insight of SSC CGL Examination held on 4th March 2020 (all Shifts):

Type of Questions(Topics / Chapter covered) This implies which a part of the syllabus was covered together with which questions were asked extra and how many of them were asked.
Level of examinationThis covers the difficulty level of the examination, that is, how easily the attempts were made by the appearing candidates.
Good attemptsThis refers to the most number of corrected answers marked by the candidates. This is the factor that can affect the cutoff the most.

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam Pattern 2020

SSC CGL 2020 Tier-1 conducted tentatively from 2nd to 11th March 2020. The exam will be conducted online comprising of 4 sections with about 100 questions in total and with maximum marks of 200. The entire exam is needed to be completed in a time span of 60 minutes.

The sections asked in SSC CGL Tier-I Exam are:

  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Comprehension
Serial No.SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Allotted
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2550A cumulative time of 60 minutes
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

A penalty of the Wrong Answer: There is a negative marking of 0.50 Marks for each wrong answer. There is no sectional cut off. No point will be deducted if the question is left blank or unattempted by a candidate.

SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2020 (Tier 1): 5th March (Shift-1 )

SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2020 Tier 1: Good Attempts 

The exam review obtained from students shows that the level of SSC CGL Tier 1 exam was Moderate. The quantitative aptitude section was lengthy and calculative. A total of 100 questions were attempted in 60 minutes. The good attempts for 5th March, shift 1 lie in the range of 76-82.

SectionSubjectNo of QuestionsGood Attempts
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2522-23
2General Awareness2518-20
3Quantitative Aptitude2514-15
4English Language2522-24

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Analysis 2020: General Intelligence and Reasoning

The reasoning section tests the thinking abilities and comprises a total of 25 questions for 50 marks. The level of reasoning section was easy. The subject-wise distribution of questions asked along with the level has been provided below.

Series with the difference of +2, +3, +2, +3

S.No.TopicsNo. Of Questions askedLevel Of Exam
2Odd One Out2-3Easy
4Statement & Conclusions1Easy
6Sequence (Acc. to Dictionary)1Easy
7Word Formation
9Mathematical Operations2Easy
11Blood Relation1Easy-moderate
12Mirror Image1Easy
13Venn Diagram1Easy
14Paper Folding Image1Easy
15Missing Term2Easy
16Hidden Figure1Easy
18Counting Figure [Rectangle]1Easy
19Complete Figure1Easy
Total Questions25Easy

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Analysis 2020: English Language

The English Language section was easy-moderate as per the review of students. You can check the English Language paper analysis with the topic-wise distribution of questions and level given below.

  • Synonym-> retain/Sustain, divide
  • Antonym-> Expensive
  • One word- One who doesn’t pay his debt
  • Spelling of cricketer
  • Topic of Cloze Test related to Army Convoy
  • Error Detection- My brother who lives in Delhi has written a letter.
S.No.TopicsNo. Of Questions askedLevel Of Exam
1Fill in the Blanks2Easy
2Sentence Improvement2Easy-Moderate
3Error Detection2Easy
4Sentence Rearrangement3Easy-Moderate
5Idioms and Phrases1Easy
8Active Passive1Easy
10One Word2Moderate
11Spelling Correction2Easy
12Cloze test5Easy-Moderate
Total Questions25Easy-Moderate

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Analysis 2020: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative Aptitude section is generally lengthy comprising questions from arithmetic and advance maths. The level of this section in the exam was easy to moderate. The topic-wise distribution of questions has been provided below.

S.No.TopicsNo. Of Questions askedLevel of Exam
3Number System1-2Moderate- Difficult
5Time & Work1Moderate
6Time, Speed & Distance1Moderate
8Profit & Loss1Moderate- Difficult
9Co-ordinate Geometry
13DI (Tabular)4moderate
Total Questions25Moderate – Difficult 

SSC CGL today exam analysis 2020: General Awareness

The level of the GA section in the exam was Moderate. In today’s shift, fewer questions from the science section were asked. Check out the questions given below:

  • One question related to place built by Sawai Jai Singh?
  • Gandhiji started the Quit India movement from which place?
  • One ques related to Tamil Nadu temple. When was it built?
  • One question related to Avogadro’s law

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