SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2020 : Check 1st March (Shift 1) Analysis

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Dear Aspirants,

To get a fair insight into the examination analysis for the upcoming shifts of SBI Clerk 2020 examination, one have to be acquainted with 1st shift Examination Analysis. The Prelims Examination has been conducted on 1st March 2020. Candidates who appeared for this examination order to fulfill their dream of joining the prestigious State Bank Of India(SBI). Let’s take a look on the examination analysis for SBI Clerk Prelims Examination to be able to get acquainted with the pattern of questions asked.

SBI Clerk Examination Analysis : 1st March 1st Shift

We’re providing the entire examination analysis of SBI Clerk 2020 Prelims Examination. Candidates who’ve appeared for the SBI Clerk Prelims Examination today must have given their best and if in case you have your examination scheduled in upcoming shifts on 1st March and 8th March 2020. The examination held in this shift was of Easy level.

To know further details about the 1st March 2020 – (Shift 1) SBI Clerk Prelims Examination Analysis 2020, Candidates can check the details from the given below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2020: Section-wise Analysis:

SubjectGood AttemptTime
English Language24-2720
Reasoning Ability29-3320
Numerical Ability23-2820

English Language (Easy- Moderate)

The level of the questions asked in this section was Easy to Moderate. All the questions were of conventional pattern of English Language Section seen in recent bank exams. There was 1 set of Reading Comprehension and was based on the theme of pollution.

The detailed analysis of English Language section is given below.

TopicNo. of QuestionsLevel
Reading Comprehension10Easy- Moderate
Error Detection05Easy
Single Fillers03Easy
Para Jumble05Easy- Moderate
Cloze Test07Easy
Total30Easy – Moderate

Reasoning Ability (Easy)

The overall pattern of the Reasoning Ability section was Easy. There were no question of Syllogism in this shift. There were 3 sets of puzzles and seating arrangement:

  • Linear Seating Arrangement- Parallel Lines, 12 people
  • Floor Based Puzzle
  • Square Seating Arrangement

The detailed analysis of Reasoning Ability section is given below.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement15Easy-Moderate
AlphaNumeric Series05Easy
Alphabet Series (3 letter words)05Easy
Coding Decoding01Easy

Numerical Ability (Easy-Moderate)

The overall pattern of the Numerical Ability section was Easy-Moderate. There was one Line Graph DI with 5 questions. The following table has complete analysis for Numerical Ability Section:

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Missing Number Series05Easy- Moderate
Data Interpretation05Easy – Moderate
Quadratic Equations05Easy
Arithmetic Word Problem10Moderate

The word problems included questions from the following topics of arithmetic Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Average, Problem on Ages, Mensuration, etc.

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