Puzzle – 68 (Moderate) (Rectangle Based)

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There are eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H sitting around a
Rectangular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. All of them have a favorite Color. Their favorite colors are Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Black, Orange, Pink and White.

• A likes Red and is not an immediate neighbor of the one who likes the orange color. The one who likes the Blue color sits on the immediate left of B, who likes the Green.
• C likes the orange color and sits third to the left of E. The one who likes the White and one who likes the Red are immediate neighbors of each other.
• The one who likes the Black and the one who likes the Blue are immediate neighbors of each other but both of them are the neighbors neither of E nor of C.
• Neither E nor D likes the White. Only F sits between the one who likes the Blue color and the one who likes the yellow color. G sits third to the left of the person who likes the White color.

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