Six boxes- P, Q, R, S, T and U are placed one above another. Each box is of different colour i.e. Blue, White, Green, Yellow, Grey and Purple. Each box is sent in different months- January, March, April, June, July and September of the same year and same destination.
Box P is white coloured and sent in a month which have odd number of days but not in the month of march. Box S sent just after the month on which Box Q sent. Box T is Green coloured and sent in the month which have even number of days but after April. Blue box sent in the month which have less than 31 days and Q is not blue coloured box. Box T sent after the month on which box R sent. Purple Box sent in the month which have odd numbers of days but after box P. There are two months gap between the month in which Box U and Box S sent. Box R is grey coloured and sent immediate before the month on which yellow coloured box sent.
Solution :

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