Puzzle – 63 (Moderate) (Rectangle Based)

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Eight persons S, Q, P, O, N, M, K and J of different class standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8th are seated around rectangular table in such a way that three students sit on the each longer side while one sits on the each smaller side.

O is seated one of the longer side and second to the right of Q, who is student 1st. M is seated between S and the student of class 7th and seated in the middle of the longer side. The student of class 3rd is seated second to the left of the student of class 5th. Students of successive classes cannot be seated together. N is seated third to the right of student of class 5th. P is seated opposite to N and second to the left of K, who is immediate left of J.

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