OPSC Homeopathic Medical Officer Syllabus 2021 PDF – Download HMO Exam Pattern. Nowadays Competition Level becomes very high so Competitive Exams get too tougher. Candidates facing critical problems of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. The Odisha PSC will organize the written examination & viva-voice test for selecting the candidate for filling Homeopathic Medical Officer Posts. Therefore those candidates who are participating in the examination should have download OPSC HMO Syllabus 2021.
OPSC Homeopathic Medical Officer Official Syllabus 2021 is provided for the sake of job aspirants. Individuals must analyze important concepts from Odisha HMO Syllabus 2021 and prepare well for the test. Also, follow the updated Odisha PSC Homeopathic MO Test Pattern 2021 to secure expected marks.
Homeopathic Medical Officer Paper I
Subject Name
20 Marks
10 Marks
Physiology & Biochemistry
15 Marks
Practise of Medicine
10 Marks
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
10 Marks
10 Marks
Community Medicine
10 Marks
10 Marks
Homeopathic Medical Officer Paper II
Homoeopathic pharmacy
30 Marks
Material Medical
25 Marks
Organon of Medicine
25 Marks
20 Marks
OPSC Homeopathic Medical Officer Exam Pattern 2021:
The Written Examination shall be of two papers carrying 100 marks for each paper with a duration of 1 & 1/2 (One and a Half) hours for each paper. The questions will be objective-type multiple choices (100 questions of one mark each) on the following subjects.
No Negative Marking System will be followed in the written examination in case of a wrong response (answer).
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