H1B Visa 2024 ~ Online Registration, Timeline, Requirement

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The most popular visa for anyone looking to work professionally in the US is the H1B visa. 484,000 registrations were received despite the fact that there was only an authorised quota of 85,000 for the previous H1B FY 2023 season. If you were unfortunate the previous year or are making plans for the upcoming year, it is wise to be aware so that you may be prepared and give yourself the best chance possible.

In this post, we discuss all the basics of the H-1B 2024 season, such as the start-to-finish timeline, lottery situation, fees, registration window, and frequently asked questions. We’ll be updating this site when new information becomes available.

About H1B Visa 2024

The H1B visa category was created by Congress to enable US-based companies to employ highly educated workers there. Anyone who is qualified to work in the US and possesses at least a bachelor’s degree may apply for an H1B visa.

The annual quota for new H1B visas set by the US Congress is 85,000. These newest H1B visas are referred to as cap-subject visas. The H1B lottery is a random selection process used by USCIS to pick candidates who meet the annual quota cap due to the high demand for H1B visas.

H1B Visa Fiscal Year 2024 Season

The USCIS Fiscal Year states that new H1B visas are offered (FY). The fiscal year of USCIS is different from the calendar year since its beginning and ending dates are not January 1 through December 31. The USCIS Fiscal Year 2024 runs from October 1, 2023, until September 30, 2024, respectively.

USCIS will receive H1B petitions for the year 2024 starting around six months before the beginning of the upcoming fiscal year. By counting backwards from October 2023 by six months, it would now be April 1st, 2023. As petitions will start to be accepted on April 1st, 2023 for the FY 2024 season, the complete process for FY 2024 is shown in the timeline below.

The H1B FY 2024 season, which roughly includes the time from the start of submitting registrations to working in the US on an H1B visa, is for employers looking to hire H1B workers to work there starting on October 1st, 2024.

1B Visa 2024 Timeline

On January 27, 2023, The dates for the H1B registration and lottery process were announced by USCIS. The exact timeline is displayed here based on the stated official USCIS dates.

H1B 2024 ProcessDatesActivities during this period
Create H1B Registrants AccountStarting from Feb 21st, 2023Accounts for H1B Registrants are made by employers or H1B Sponsors. To submit H1B registrations, they must use the registrant accounts.
Start Date to submit H1B RegistrationsMarch 1st, 2023Beginning date for Business owners to use the USCIS H1B Registration system and submit registrations for candidates they want to hire under an H1B Visa
End Date to submit H1B RegistrationsMarch 17th, 2023Last date for Employers to submit H1B registrations.
H1B Registration Lottery Selection, ResultsMarch 18th, 2023 to March 31st, 2023USCIS conducts random selection, aka H1B lottery, and informs results during these days.
H1B Petition Filing DatesApril 1st, 2023 to June 30th, 2023During this time, employers may submit H1B petitions on behalf of H1B lottery winners. An employer must complete a full petition with an LCA and all applicant information before sending it to USCIS.
H1B Petition Processing by USCIS, DecisionsApril 1st, 2023 onwardsUSCIS processes the H1B petition filed by the employer from April 1st onwards and it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
H1B Visa Stamping at US ConsulatesJuly 1st, 2023 onwardsTo enter the US on an H1B visa, an applicant from outside the US must have an H1B visa stamp placed in their passport. You apply for it at a US Consulate/Embassy.
Start Working on H1B VisaOctober 1st, 2023 onwardsThe beginning of the USCIS fiscal year 2024 is October 1, 2023, at which point candidates who are subject to the cap may start working. If your petition was granted and you were granted a visa, you can begin working in the US as of October 1, 2023.  If you are already in the US, your status will change to H1B from this date

H1B Visa Quota for FY 2024 – Masters vs. Regular Cap

  • H1B Regular Quota: 65,000 visas
  • H1B Master’s Quota: 20,000 visas (only US Master’s degree completed applicants are eligible for this quota)

The approximately 6,800 visas reserved for respective residents under Singapore and Chile’s free trade agreements is an essential factor to be known.

Register Online for an H-1B Visa

To submit a registration application, create a myUSCIC account. The applicant must pay a $10 non-refundable fee. https://myaccount.uscis.gov/users/sign up is the website address.

H1B Visa Lottery Predictions for the Season of FY 2024.

For the season of FY 2024, we estimate that the H1B Lottery situation will be similar to that of the previous fiscal year. Due to the ongoing rise in demand for H1B visas, we might see more registrations for the FY 2024 season than the last year. You may read our in-depth study on the subject at H1B Visa 2024 Lottery Predictions

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