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Beginner Level
Puzzle 1
Eight persons-P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W like different subjects-English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social science, Fishery Science, Literature, History and Psychology but not necessarily in the same order. They like different colours among-red, white, grey, black and green. They also like different cars – Austin, Bentley, Porsche, Jaguar and Bugatti. Each car is liked by at least one person but not more than two persons like the same car. Also, each colour is liked by at least one person but not more than two persons like the same colour.
S and V are the only ones who like the same car and the same colour. The one who likes Psychology does not like Jaguar or Bugatti. T likes science and likes a colour which is not liked by another other person and that colour is not black. V does not like Fishery sciences. One of the persons who like red likes Jaguar. Also, Q does not like red as well as Jaguar. The one who likes literature likes the car liked by no one else. The one who likes history likes white which is not liked by anyone other than him. Porsche is only liked by the person liking English and is not Q. R likes Austin but does not like red. W does not like Jaguar. Peoples who like greys like Bentley and Porsche. P and W like the same colour. The persons like Austin don’t like black and one of the persons liking Austin likes Math.
Solution :
Puzzle – 2
Six people named Gaurav, Anish, Kartik, Mohit, Mayank and Manav are married to six women named Charu, Kriti, Sugandh, Priya, Neha and Deepa, but not necessarily in the same order. They have different professions, viz. Doctor, Accountant, CA, Engineer, Businessman and Architect, but not necessarily in the same order. They like to play different sports, viz. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Badminton and Tennis but not necessarily in the same order.
Kartik is CA but he was not married to Charu or Deepa. Gaurav is a Doctor and Mayank is an Engineer. However, neither of them was married to Kriti or Priya. The woman whose husband is an architect likes to play Cricket. Sugandh’s husband likes to play Football, but he is not a Doctor. Charu and Neha’s husbands like to play Cricket and Badminton and are CA and Architect but not necessarily following the above-mentioned order. Mohit is not an Accountant or an Architect and likes to play Tennis. Manav is married to Kriti and he likes to play Basketball.
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Moderate Level
Puzzle 3
7 books are stacked one above the other in such a way that the box at the bottom is numbered 1 and the topmost box is numbered 7. These books are of different subjects – Biology, English, Hindi, Literature, Maths, Punjabi and Science. Each book has a thickness – 11mm, 22mm, 33mm, 44mm, 55mm, 66mm and 77mm. These are covered by different coloured papers – Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Pink, Red and Violet.
There are 2 books between Violet and Blue coloured books. Biology book is placed at top of the stack having thickness 77mm and is covered by pink paper. There are 2 books between Science and book having 11mm thickness. The science book is placed above book having 11mm thickness. 1 book is placed between Hindi and book having 44mm thickness. Hindi book is placed somewhere above 44mm book. Punjabi book is placed somewhere below the book having 55mm thickness. There are 2 books between Punjabi and book having 55mm thickness. The book having 33mm thickness is placed immediately above book having 55mm thickness, which is covered by violet paper. The book covered by a black paper is placed at the bottom of the stack. There are 2 books between English and Literature. Literature book having 22mm thickness is covered by Green paper. The science book is kept immediately above Literature book.
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Puzzle – 4
Some students of class X appears for a test of different subjects either on 5th or 12th of different months – March, April, June and October. No two tests are of the same subjects.
A and D appear for the test of Reasoning and Maths respectively. C appears for the test before G. Only 4 persons can appear between the ones who are appearing for Biology and Social Science. E appears for the test of Science on 5th in the month having 30 days. D does not appear in April. Only 2 persons appear between B and D. Only one person who appears for the test of English appears between C and H. Only 3 persons can appear between A and H, who appears for the test of Hindi. The one who appears on 12th March appears for the test of Biology. Both B and G appear on the same date. 3 persons can appear for the test between E and F. B does not appear for Biology. One of the students appears for Punjabi.
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Advance Level
Puzzle – 5
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born in different months of a year namely January, February, March, April, June, July, August and October but not necessary in the same order. They are like different colours namely Pink, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. Consider all persons were born in the same year and same date.
Only one person was born between D and the one who likes Green. G was not born in the month which has less than 31 days. As many persons were born between E and the one who likes Violet is/are half the number of persons were born between the one who likes Yellow and F. Two persons were born between the one who likes Red and E, who was not born in the month which has 31 days. A was born in one of the months before the one who likes Red colour. The one who likes Yellow was born immediately before A. F neither likes Green nor likes Orange. Two persons were born between the one who likes Violet and C, who was born in one of the months after June. The one who likes Orange was born immediately before the one who likes Pink. Not more than two and not less than one person born between F and H, who was born after F. D was not born in the month which has the maximum number of days. As many persons were born between G and the one who likes Indigo is same as between E and the one who likes Orange.
Solution :

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