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Beginner Level
Puzzle 1
Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the center. Each of them plays a different sports – Hockey, Football, Cricket, Tennis, Badminton, Golf, Wrestling and Basketball but not necessary in the same order.
A is sitting opposite to G. The one who plays Basketball is sitting third to right of A. G is not sitting immediate left of E. E is sitting second to the left of B. The persons who plays Hockey and Tennis are opposite each other but they are neither B nor A. D, who plays Cricket, is third to the right of the person who plays Tennis. F and H are neither opposite nor adjacent to each other. E is not adjacent to A. C is neither adjacent to F nor adjacent to the person who plays Badminton. Neither A nor G plays Wrestling and the person who plays Wrestling is to the immediate left of the person who plays Football.
Solution :
Puzzle – 2
Eight employees Sparsh, Saket, Swarup, Siddharth, Sourav, Sonal, Sonam and Sonali are working in an MNC firm in different departments viz Editing, Advertising, Billing, computing, marketing, taxing, censoring and accounting but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are sitting around a circular table but not facing the centre.
Sonali sits third to the right of Siddharth. Sparsh and Swarup are not in Editing. Only one employee sits between Sourav and the Editor. Taxing and Billing employees are immediate neighbour of each other. Sonali does not work in taxing. ‘Sparsh’ is neither in marketing nor taxing. Only one employee sits between Sonal and computing employee. Sonal does not works in either Editing or Billing. Sparsh sits third to the left of Sonam. Sonam is in advertising. Siddharth is not the immediate neighbour of either Sparsh or Sonam. The one who works in accounting is an immediate neighbour of Siddharth. Three employees sits between Sonam and the censoring employee. Sonali is not in either Editing or accounting. Swarup does not work in Accounting.
Solution :
Moderate Level
Puzzle 3
Seven students P,Q,R,S,T,W and G are wearing different colour dresses, i.e. Black, blue, pink, yellow, red, white and green (but not necessarily in the same order).They all are sitting around a circle facing the centre. All of them belong to different countries i.e. India, Brazil, Australia, England, Poland, Japan and Korea.
S sits immediate left of the student who wears a Red dress. The person from Poland, does not like black color. T is an immediate neighbor of the student who wears green. The person from India likes Pink color. Q is fourth to the left of the student who wears a blue dress. T belongs to Japan. W is wearing green dress. The person in red dress is third to left of the student who wears a green dress.P is not wearing Blue dress. G is not an immediate neighbor of either Brazil or Korea.The person in yellow dress is second to the right of P, who is immediate right of W.The person who wearing Blue dress is an immediate neighbor of the person who belong to Korea.The person wearing a white dress is near to P. G is third to the right of person who wears a pink dress. The person from England sits second to the right of Q.
Solution :
Puzzle – 4
8 representatives were called for a meeting but all were not present for the meeting. The people invited for the meeting lives on different floors of a eight storey building where lower most floor is numbered 1 and top most floor is numbered 8. Representative from each floor is invited for the meeting. Meeting was conducted on a circular conference table having 8 seats.
Both E and H does not live on an even numbered floor. Only 2 persons sit between B and representative of floor numbered 4. H sits third to the right of person who lives on floor numbered 4. A does not sit next to B. Both F and D do not live above or below the floors on which person who was absent from the meeting lives. The person living on floor numbered 8 sits third to the right of G, who does not live on floor numbered 6. E does not sit next to H. E faces a vacant seat. D sits to the immediate right of person who lives on floor numbered 5. One who lives on floor numbered 3 sits second to the left of A. Vacant seat is to the immediate right of person who lives on floor numbered 2. A lives on an odd floor. D does not live on the top most floor.
Solution :
Advance Level
Puzzle – 5
Eight Boxes D, J, L, P, T, S, X and Y are arranged in ten shelves in which two of the Shelves are vacant. The Bottommost shelf is numbered 1 and the shelf above 1 is numbered as 2 and so on. Each Box has different weight.
It is also known that Box T is placed in a shelf which is a Square of the shelf number of fourth heaviest Box in a group. Box X is not heavier than Box S. Box D is not the lightest box and is placed in one of the shelves above Box T. At least one Box is placed above Box D. Box X is not placed below the seventh lightest Box. Number of Boxes placed above Box Y is as same as the number of boxes placed below Box S. Box L is heavier than Box S but lighter than Box Y. Heaviest Box is placed in a shelf number which is a multiple of 2 and one of the shelves above the heaviest box is vacant. Second heaviest Box is not placed at odd number shelves. Box T is not the heaviest box. Two Boxes are placed between Box J and Box P such that Box J is placed above Box P. Number of shelves between two vacant shelves is as same as number of boxes placed between Box D and Box Y. Sum of shelf number of two vacant shelves is one more than that of twice the shelf number of Box D. Box Y is not placed in odd numbered shelves. Box P is heavier than the box which is at shelf number 2. Lightest Box is placed at the shelf number 7.
Solution :

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