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IBPS Clerk Prelims And Lic Assistant Targeted Puzzles
Puzzle 1
There are seven flights A, B, C, D, E, F and which take off at different times of the same day (in a.m) viz. 9.40, 10.15, 10.25, 10.30, 10.40, 11.10 and 11.15 but not necessarily in same order. Each flight departed to different cities namely Dubai, Hong Kong, Huawei, Islamabad, London, Rize and Washington. No two flights departed to same city.
– Flight C is started 5 minutes before F which goes to Huawei.
– Flight to Rize was the one before the last to take off.
– Flight A takes off 1 hour after E.
– Number of flights after F is same as the number of flights before E.
– Flight B goes to Dubai and G takes off at 10.15.
– Flight to Islamabad takes off at 10.30.
– Flight to Washington was the first to take off.
Solution :
Puzzle – 2
Eight persons F, G, P, R, M, N, V and T live in eight different floors. Lowermost floor is numbered 1, above floor is numbered 2, and so on. Top most floor is numbered as 8. Each of them is in different profession. Their professions are Lawyer, Teacher, IAS, Student, Doctor, Accountant, Commissioner and Manager. All the above information is not necessarily in the same order.
M lives on even numbered floor. The one who is an Accountant lives on the second floor. Two persons live between R and the one who is a student. R lives on even numbered floor but above M. Three persons live between G and the one who is a IAS. M is not an accountant. As many persons living above the one who is a doctor is same as the number of persons living below the one who is a student. Only one person lives between T and the one who is a teacher. The one who is a lawyer lives immediately below N. As many persons living below N is same as the number of persons living above the one who is a teacher. The one who is a commissioner lives immediately above M. Neither F nor V is a lawyer. F lives above V.
Solution :
Puzzle 3
Twelve persons attend the seminar in four different months February, April, July and September on three different dates 3, 8 and 12 of a month. R attends the seminar in odd numbered date.
More than seven persons attend the seminar between R and P. As many persons attend the seminar before R is same as many persons attend the seminar after L. Q attends the seminar after P. Four persons attend the seminar between Q and T. N attends the seminar immediately before T. N attends the seminar on 8th of any of the months. As many persons attend the seminar before N is same as many persons attend the seminar after S. Only one person attends the seminar between S and D. As many persons attend the seminar before M is same as many persons attend the seminar after V. X attends the seminar immediately after V. G attends the seminar before V but after Q. R does not attend the seminar on even date.
Solution :
Puzzle – 4
Eight boxes numbered from 1-8 are arranged one above other but not necessarily in the same order. The positions of the boxes were numbered from 1-8 from bottom to top.
Box 7 is arranged immediately above Box 1. Two boxes are arranged between box 1 and box 4. One box is arranged between box 3 and box 8. Only the numbers of two boxes and their position are same. Box 7 is in the even numbered position. Box 3 is arranged above box 8. Even numbered boxes are arranged consecutively one above another but not in the same order. Box 1 is not placed at the bottommost position.
Solution :
Puzzle – 5
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F bought different chocolates viz. Snickers, Perk, Munch, Gems and Cadbury. Each of them bought different number of packets among- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. All the information is not necessary to be in the same order. Not more than two persons bought the same item or same number of items.
C bought Munch packets. A does not buy Cadbury packets. B bought 1 packet. A and D bought the same number of packets. Two persons bought Gems packets. Only one person bought 5 Perk packets. E bought 2 Gems packets. More number of packets of Cadbury was purchased than the number of packets of Snickers but less than the number of packets of Munch.
Solution :

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