AP Annadata Sukhibhava Scheme ~ Payment Status, Beneficiary List

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Andhra Pradesh Annadatha Sukhibhava scheme is a newly launched scheme in the state. It was launched by the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu for the farmers. In this article, we have shared all the necessary information regarding the AP Annadatha Sukhibhava scheme such as how to check payment status, mobile application, Beneficiary eligibility, and how to update payment bank status.

SchemeAndhra Pradesh Annadatha Sukhibhava Yojana
Article categoryAP Annadata Sukhibhav Status Check
AP Annadatha Sukhibhav farmer list 2019 
StateAndhra Pradesh
AuthorityGovernment of AP
Launch Year2019
No of beneficiary55 lakh families (approx.)
Budget5000 crores
Financial assistance amount10000/- per annum per family
Official websitehttp://annadathasukhibhava.ap.gov.in

AP Annadata Sukhibhav Scheme 2019

The AP AS scheme is focused on providing financial benefits and welfare to the small and marginal farmers of the state. This scheme has been announced under the interim budget of the financial year 2019-2020. The state government has announced a budget of Rs.5000 crores for this scheme.

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav scheme is a state government scheme launched to empower farmers of the state. This scheme is basically an extension of PM Kissan Samman Yojna at the state level. We can also say it is a merger of two schemes i.e. Central Government’s PM Kissan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) and state governments’ Annadatha Sukhibhav Yojna. Farmers who are beneficiaries of 6000/- per year under PMKSN will also get Rs.4000/- in addition to the existing amount under the AP Annadatha scheme.

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav list 2019 will be prepared by the Real-Time Governance Society (RTGS) of Andhra Pradesh. Under this scheme, the government has also increased the subsidy for certain crops such as sugarcane, paddy, maize, pulses, groundnut, sunflower, cotton, etc. Apart from this, the government will reduce the loan burden or debt pressure on certain farmers by debt waiving.

Annadatha Sukhibhav AP- Benefit

Annadatha Sukhibhav scheme is launched to uplift and provide financial assistance to the farmers to the state. Some of the major benefits of this scheme are as follows-

  • The scheme will provide financial help to the beneficiary farmer families.
  • It will uplift and provide better livelihood to the farmers of the state.
  • This scheme will help farmers to increase the productivity of the crops.
  • The scheme will also empower the farmers and this will automatically develop the agricultural sector of Andhra Pradesh.   

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav- Eligibility Conditions

The government has set some eligibility conditions on the basis of which it will prepare the list of beneficiaries. Farmers who want to avail of this benefit have to fulfill all the eligibility requirements.

They can check all the conditions shared below-

  • Only the permanent resident of Andhra Pradesh is eligible.
  • The beneficiary should be a farmer having land of 5 acres. Tenant farmers also eligible for this scheme.
  • This scheme is only applicable to small and marginal farmers.

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav- Statistics

Families eligible for payment50,19,358
Payment initiated50,15,864
Payment success46,13,432
Payment under process4,05,926
Total beneficiaries54,89,268

Stats as on 04/04/2019

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav Check Status

Those who have registered and want to check the application status can check it online without visiting the concerned department. Check below how you can check your beneficiary list by following steps.

  1. Visit official website i.e. http://annadathasukhibhava.ap.gov.in
  2. Now on the homepage, click on the “Report” tab.
  3. On clicking the “Reports” menu, select the Payment Status option.
  4. Candidates have to search for one option. They can either search their payment status by entering their Aadhaar No. or by entering their Mobile No.
  5. After submitting the search details, applicants can see their payment status on their screens.

Annadatha Sukhibhav AP- How to update bank  

The second phase of this scheme is under processing and the government is keeping and accessing the record of all the data of the registered farmers such as how many accounts are there, how many are updated, and how many needs to be updated. Once this procedure will be completed, the government will release the beneficiary list on the official website.

So, farmers who have not updated their accounts are required to update their accounts soon to avail of the benefit. To help them we have shared a step-by-step guide by which they can update their accounts online.

 Follow the given online procedure to update the bank account-

  1. Open the official website in any browser.
  2. Click on the “Official Login” menu on the homepage of the portal.
  3. A login page will appear. Enter the Aadhaar No. and click on the send button. An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile no. Enter the OTP and click on the “Verify” button.
  4. Various options will display on the screen. Click on “Update Bank Account”
  5. Select District, Rural/Urban, Mandal, and Panchayat / Ward No. and click on “Get Data”.
  6. Download the “PDF”
  7. PDF of the list of beneficiaries with unavailable accounts will appear.
  8. Search beneficiary name in the search box. Beneficiary name, address, and mobile number will appear.
  9. Click on the “Update” button.
  10. Enter IFSC Code and bank account no.
  11. After entering the IFSC code, Upload the bank passbook image by clicking on the “UPLOAD” option and hit the “Submit Data” button to successfully submit the updated information.
  12. Finally, the bank account will be updated.

Similarly, candidates can update other information such as family update, Aadhaar card and bank account, tenant bank account, ROFR Bank account, and ROFT aadhaar and bank account. They just have to select the respective option and provide the required information.

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav- Mobile Application

AP Government has also launched the AP Annadatha Sukhibhav mobile app for the convenience of the students. They can access all information related to the scheme through this app. After downloading this application, they do not have to open the official portal for every piece of information related to the scheme. They can do the same just by opening the app.         

How to download mobile application-  

  • Visit the official website.
  •  Hit the “DOWNLOADS” link on the homepage of the website.
  • Click on the “Download Mobile Application” link.
  • App file will be downloaded on your mobile.
  • Install the app file and run the application on mobile.

Once the Application is installed on the mobile phone, beneficiaries can also check payment status through this application.

AP Annadatha Sukhibhav- Important Documents

  • Proof of residence/ Domicile certificate
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Identity Proof
  • Farmland Papers
  • Bank Account
  • Passport Size Photographs

Important points related to the AP Annadatha Sukhibhav list

  • To avail the benefit of the scheme it is compulsory for all the farmers to have their names in the beneficiary list prepared by RGTS, AP.
  • Payment status can be checked on both mediums the official portal and mobile application.
  • Beneficiaries must ensure that they enter accurate aadhaar no. or registered mobile no to check the payment status.

In case of any issue or grievance regarding AP Annadata Sukhibhava scheme list|
Farmer list District & Village wise, you can contact the concerned department or they can also share their queries with us through the comment box below.

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