TNPSC Departmental Exam May Syllabus 2023 PDF – Download Exam Pattern: The revised syllabus and exam pattern for departmental exams have been made available by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC). Applicants can download the syllabus and exam pattern and prepare properly as they wait for the exam.
TNPSC Departmental Exam Syllabus 2023 Download:
The Board’s Name | Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) |
The Post’s Title | Departmental Examinations |
Notification Date | 16.03.2023 |
Exam Date | 15.05.2023 to 25.05.2023 |
Status | Syllabus Available |
TNPSC Departmental Exam Syllabus 2023 – Exam Pattern:
TEST NAME: Agricultural Department Test for the Members of the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service in the Agriculture Department
Pattern / Type of Examination | Time Duration | Minimum Pass Marks | Maximum Marks |
Objective Type – 80% without Books | 2 hours | 36 | 100 |
Descriptive Type – 20% With Books | 30 minutes | 9 | |
Total | 2.30 hours | 45 |
Agricultural Departmental Manual
Chapter I Organization and control
The erstwhile Three–Tier System (District, Taluk and Block) was converted into Two-Tier System (District and Block) and Technical Staff provided in the new setup in Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business and Seed Certification Departments. Staff was reorganized vide G.O.Ms.No.537, Agriculture (AA 8) Department, dated 24.12.2007. In the G.O.Ms.No.60 Agriculture (AA 8) Department, dated 21.02.2008, the Ministerial and other Non-Technical Posts, the surplus in the Agriculture Department due to the implementation of new staff as per G.O.Ms.No.537, Agriculture Department, dated 24.12.2007, were transferred to above Sister Departments
Chapter II – Accounts and Audit – General
Chapter III – Advisory Committees
Chapter IV – Agricultural Analytical Laboratories
Chapter VII – Office Procedure
Chapter IX Agricultural Marketing
As per G.O.Ms.No.537, Agriculture (AA 8) Department, dated 24.12.2007, new staff was adopted and 29 District Offices were formed with the Deputy Director of Agriculture as Head of Office and the State Headquarters was also reorganized.
Chapter X Miscellaneous – Paragraphs 304 to 310, 311, 314 to 316, 329, 332 to 335 of the Agricultural Departmental Manual
TEST NAME: Agricultural Department Test for the Technical Officers of the Agriculture Department
Pattern / Type of Examination | Time Duration | Minimum Pass Marks | Maximum Marks |
Objective Type – 80% without Books | 2 hours | 36 | 100 |
Descriptive Type – 20% With Books | 30 minutes | 9 | |
Total | 2.30 hours | 45 |
The Agricultural Departmental Manual Organisation and control
The erstwhile Three–Tier System (District, Taluk and Block) was converted into Two-Tier System (District and Block) and Technical Staff provided in the new setup in Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business and Seed Certification Departments. Staff Pattern was reorganized vide G.O.Ms.No.537, Agriculture (AA 8) Department, dated 24.12.2007. In the G.O.Ms.No.60, Agriculture (AA 8) Department, dated 21.02.2008, the Ministerial and other Non-Technical Posts, surplus in the Agriculture Department due to the implementation of new staff as per G.O.Ms.No.537, Agriculture Department, dated 24.12.2007, were transferred to above Sister Departments.
Agricultural Analytical Laboratories
As per G.O.Ms.No.537, Agriculture (AA 8) Department, dated 24.12.2007, new staff was adopted at the District level under the Direct Control of the District Joint Director of Agriculture and one Additional Director of Agriculture (Research) at State Headquarters. STL increased from 14 to 30 Nos, PTL from 9 to 15 Nos, and FTL from 6 to 14 Nos, besides establishing 15 BFPU and 1 BFQCL at State Level.
1) Seasons – Prominent seasons and Rainfall
2) Agro Climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu
3) Area, Production and Productivity of crops in Tamil Nadu
4) Crop specific strategies – SRI, SPI, SSI, Precision farming, Micro irrigation
5) Farm level planning, Management of inputs and farmers specific extension – FCMS, FDMS through mobile application, voice enabled Data updation Module, scheme benefits Tracking system, IFS, FIHB, online farm machinery booking
6) State Sponsored Schemes – Soil Survey and Land Use Organization, Organic farming – Vermi composting, composting farm waste through Pleurotus, Bio-fertilizers, Liquid Bio-fertilizers, Blue green Algae, Green Manure Crops, Azolla, Seed Multiplication Scheme, Seed farms, SPU, Crop and Plant Protection, Bio control Agents, Insurance Schemes – NAIS, MNAIS & WBCIS, CPIS, Crop Yield Competition, Crop Cutting Experiments – CES, Laboratories – (FCL, PTL, STL, MSTL, BFPU) Parasite Breeding Centers and TNCCM
7) Extension in augmenting Agriculture – Farmers guide booklet, farmers Hub, PDA, Touch Screen Kiosk, FTC, Water Management Training centre, STAMIN
8) Centre – State Shared Schemes – NADP, NMOOP, NFSM, NMSA, SSEPERS (ATMA), SMSP, CDB
9) Centrally Sponsored Schemes – Integrated farming in coconut holdings for productivity improvement
10) External aided projects –IAMWARM
12) AWS, Agricultural Education in Tamil Nadu
13) Insecticide Act, 1968, Fertilizer Control Order,1985
1.Area, Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops
2.Dissemination of Hi-Tech Horticulture Practices
3.Capacity Building
- State Plan Schemes
i) Integrated Horticulture Development Schemes (IHDS)
ii) Horticulture Training Centers (HTC)
iii) Integrated Tribal Development Programme (ITDP)
iv) Western Ghat Development Programme (WGDP)
v) Hill Area Development Programme (HADP)
vi) City Vegetable Development Scheme (CVDS)
vii) National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
viii) Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
(WBCIS) National Agriculture Development programme
- Precision Farming
- Hi-Tech Productivity Enhancement Programme
- Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP)
- Encouraging cultivation of Pandal Vegetables
- Mechanization of Harvesting Processing in Turmeric and Sett cutting and harvesting in Tapioca
- Modernization of State Horticulture Farms in Tamil Nadu
- Perimetro Vegetable Cluster Development Programme
Tamil Nadu Horticulture Development Agency (TANHODA) Government of India Shared Schemes
- National Horticulture Mission
- National Mission on Micro Irrigation
Government of India Schemes – Fully funded
- National Bamboo Mission
- National Mission of Medicinal Plants(NMMP)
Externally Aided Project – World Bank Funded Scheme
Other Schemes
- Parks and Garden
- Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiatives (Hitherto Part-II Schemes
Pattern / Type of Examination | Time Duration | Minimum Pass Marks | Maximum Marks |
Objective Type – 80% without Books | 2 hours | 36 | 100 |
Descriptive Type – 20% With Books | 30 minutes | 9 | |
Total | 2.30 hours | 45 |
Departmental Test for Agricultural Marketing Department Employees
- Short title, extent and commencement
- Definitions
- Notification of intention of regulating marketing of Agricultural produce in specified area
- Declaration of notified area
- Establishment of Market Committee
- Establishment of Markets
- Establishment of special and subsidiary Markets
- Trading in Agricultural produce in notified area
- Alteration of notified area, etc.,
10.Constitution of Market Committee
11.Publication of names of Members of Market Committee
12.Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Market Committee
13.Disqualifications for Membership of Market Committee
14.Assistant Director of Agriculture to be Ex-officio Member
15.Term of office of Members, etc.,
16.Incorporation of Market Committee
17.Market Committee to be a local authority
18.Sub-Committee, Special Committee and delegation of powers
19.General meeting
20.Proceeding of Market Committee not to be invalidated by informalities
21.Nominated person to cease to be a Member in certain cases
22.Officers and servants of Market Committee
23.Execution of contracts by Market Committee
- Levy of fee by Market Committee
- Establishment of check-post or barrier
- Issue of receipt by Market Committee
27.Determination of fee, etc., not to be questioned in prosecution
28. Levy of subscription for Market reports, etc.,
- Market Committee Fund
30.Purposes for which Market Committee Fund may be expended
31.Power to borrow
32.Trade allowance not permissible except in certain cases
33.Special provision where there is delay in reconstitution of new Market Committee, etc.,
34.Delivery of possession of records and properties of Market Committee
35.Establishment of Tamil Nadu State Agricultural Marketing Board
36.Constitution of Board
37.Officers and servants of Board
38.Powers and functions of Board
39.Execution of contracts by Board
40.Power to borrow
41.Estimates of income and expenditure of Board
42.Annual audit of accounts
43.Superintendence and control by Government
- Market Board Fund
- Market Development Fund
46.Powers and functions of Director
47.Delegation of powers
- Liability of accused to pay fee, or other amount
50.Composition of offences
51.Power of Magistrate to recover summarily fee or other amount
52.Power to make rules 53.Power to make Regulations and By-Laws
54.Power to write off irrecoverable amount, etc.,
55.Bar of certain proceedings
56.President, Vice-President, Chairman and Vice-Chairman to be Public Servants
57.Limitation for certain suits and prosecutions
58.Trial of offences
59.Recovery of sums
61.Registration of document executed on behalf of Board or Market Committee
62.Injunction not to be granted in cretin proceedings, etc.,
63.Liability of President, Vice-President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Member for loss, waste or misapplication of property
65.Power to amend the Schedule
66.Power to remove difficulties
67.Repeal and savings
- Short title
- Definitions
- Publication of Notification
- Copy of the Act, Rules, etc. to be kept in the Office
- Term of office to the Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Market Committee
- Election of the Vice-President of the Board
- Cessation of office of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- Cessation of office of the Vice-President of the Board
10.Resignation of Members, etc.,
11.Special Allowances
12.Powers and functions of the Chairman
13.Powers and functions of the Vice-Chairman
14.Notice of the meeting of the Market Committee
15.Preparation of Agenda
16.Presidency of the meeting
18.Subject and motion in the meeting
19.Meeting of the Board
20.Conditions for association of person with the Board
21.Motion by Member to associate any person with the Board
22.Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer
23.Purchase of the executive authority of the Board and Market Committee
24.Application for License
25.Grant of License
26.Renewal of License
27.License fee
28.Fee for Renewal of License
29.Issue of Duplicate License
30.Suspension or Cancellation of License
32.Submission of periodical return
33.Levy of fee on notified Agricultural produce
34.Person authorized to collect fee and charges
35.Subscription for supply of Market report 36.Exemption
37.Person to abide the instruction of the head of Market
38.Receipt of deposit of Agricultural produce
39.Storage and charge for storage
40.Storage after sales and charges therefore
41.Weighing of Agricultural produce
42.Returns by Weigh man, Broker, Measurer, Warehouseman
43.Engaging a broker
44.Exposure of Agricultural produce for sale
45.Regulation of purchase and sale in the market
49.Submission of audit report
50.Payment of cost of audit
51.Check on receipts and expenditure
52.Daily crediting of money 53.Payment to be made by cheque
54.Drawing of cheque
55.Passing of a bill
57.Cash Book
59.Investment of surplus fund
60.Permanent Advance
62.Passing for payment
63.Acknowledgement of receipt
64.Sanction of Expenditure
65.Incurring of Expenditure
66.Time limit for presentation of bill
68.Defalcation or loss of money or valuable
70.Signing of Cheque
71.Writing of Cheque
72.Cancellation of Cheque
73.Refund of Revenue
74.Stamp Account
75.Purchase of Stationery and Stores
76.Purchase of Books, Maps, Periodicals
78.Authority to sanction refund of deposits
79.Diversion of loan amount
80.Checking the registers, etc., of the Board and Market Committee
81.Purchase, etc., by calling for tenders
83.Power to Condemn
84.Payment by the Market Committee to the Board
TEST NAME: Animal Husbandry Department Test
Pattern / Type of Examination | Time Duration | Minimum Pass Marks | Maximum Marks |
Objective Type – 100% With Books | 2.30 hours | 45 | 100 |
Pattern / Type of Examination | Time Duration | Minimum Pass Marks | Maximum Marks |
Objective Type – 80% without Books | 2 hours | 36 | 100 |
Descriptive Type – 20% With Books | 30 minutes | 9 | |
Total | 2.30 hours | 45 |
Revised syllabus
1.volume IA-Legal framework of GST
2.Volume IB-Guide Book on Service Taxation
3.Volume IC-Compendium of standing Instructions/Circular of the Commissioner on GST
Pattern / Type of Examination | Time Duration | Minimum Pass Marks | Maximum Marks |
Objective Type – 80% without Books | 2 hours | 36 | 100 |
Descriptive Type – 20% With Books | 30 minutes | 9 | |
Total | 2.30 hours | 45 |
I Registration
II Levy and collection of tax
III Time and value of supply
IV Input Tax Credit
V Tax invoice, credit and debit notes
VI Returns
VII Payment Of Tax
VIII Accounts And Records
IX Assessment
X Refunds
XI Audit
XII Inspection, search, Seizure and Arrest
XIII Offences and penalties
XIV Demands and Recovery
XV Liability to pay in certain cases
XVI Appeals and Revision
XVII Transitional provisions
XVIII Miscellaneous
XIX Integrated Goods and service act
XX The Goods And Services Tax (compensation to states) Act, 2017
XXI Volume –II-TNVAT Legacy and other Acts

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