Here You Will Get Important The Hindu Vocab Lists For Exams Like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams, and so forth. PuzzlesHuB gives you 10 new vocab words daily From The Hindu Editorial on the daily regular schedule which will profit you in the upcoming assessments. The Hindu Editorial vocab list is a booster and an important part of learning and understanding the English language. It will surely improve your reading skills and marks in exams like SSC / Bank Po / Bank Clerk / SBI JA / SBI PO other Competitive Exams. We collect daily top 10 vocabulary words used regularly from the Hindu newspaper.
? The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 02 April 2021 ?
- ABEYANCE (NOUN): (निलम्बन): suspension
Synonyms: suspense, remission
Antonyms: in hand
Example Sentence:Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries. - EXPLICATE (VERB): (समझाना): explain
Synonyms: clarify, spell out
Antonyms: obscure
Example Sentence:An attempt was made to explicate the relationship between crime and justice. - RESOLUTION (NOUN): (प्रण): determination
Synonyms: purpose, resolve
Antonyms: irresolution
Example Sentence:He handled the last British actions of the war with resolution. - TORMENT (NOUN): (यातना): agony
Synonyms: suffering, torture
Antonyms: pleasure
Example Sentence:Their deaths have left both families in torment. - SOUR (ADJECTIVE): (चिड़चिड़ा): nasty
Synonyms: resentful, embittered
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:He gave her a sour look. - THWART (VERB): (विफल करना): foil
Synonyms: frustrate, balk
Antonyms: assist
Example Sentence:She did all she could to thwart his plans. - TORTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (टेढ़ा-मेढ़ापन): twisting
Synonyms: winding, curving
Antonyms: straight
Example Sentence:The route is remote and tortuous. - OPERATIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (कार्यकारी): working
Synonyms: up and running, running
Antonyms: broken
Example Sentence:The new laboratory is fully operational. - OUTGOING (ADJECTIVE): (बहिर्गामी सदस्य): departing
Synonyms: retiring, leaving
Antonyms: incoming
Example Sentence:The outgoing PM was honored by all. - DISSUADE (VERB): (रोकना): deter
Synonyms: discourage, prevent
Antonyms: persuade
Example Sentence:My friends try to dissuade me from flying.

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