Eight students Ranjith, Ram, Rajesh, Rahul, Prisha, Priya, Preethi and Prema are waiting in a different railway station viz., A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H but not necessarily in the same order. Each of the railway stations is located in different directions and places. The Metro train faces north direction and starts from the first railway station A to reach the eighth railway station F. The eight students are sitting in a straight line inside the metro and facing Metro train engine’s left side. Eight students are studying different department viz., CS, EEE, ECE, IT, Civil, Chemical, Mechanical and Automobile. The above information is not necessarily in the same order. Not more than one person waiting in a railway station.
Note: The train starts at 7a.m. and the stoppage time is not considered. The train takes 3min to cover 2km.
The one who is studying in ECE department sits third from the left extreme end of the line. The train reaches the second station D at 7:12a.m., where, Ranjith boards the train but does not sits to the immediate left of the one who is studying in IT department. Now the train turn right from the station D to reach the third station H at 7:36a.m., where the one who is studying in EEE department get into the train. And the train turn right from the station H to reach the fourth station C at 7:48a.m., where Priya get into the train but not sits any extreme ends of the line. And the train turn left from the station C to reach the fifth station B. Again turn left from the station B to reach the sixth station G at 8:16:30a.m. Rajesh studying in the Chemical department and waiting in the station B and sits third to the right of Rahul who is not studying in ECE department. The distance between fifth and sixth station is 12km. Preethi and the one who studying in EEE department are sit together but both are not sits immediate neighbour of either Rahul or Rajesh. The train turns left from E. The one who is studying in Mechanical department sits immediate left of Rahul. The train turn left from the station G to reach the seventh station E at 8:46:30 a.m., where Preethi get into the train and sit second to the left of Priya. Three persons sit between the one who waits in the station E and the one who waits in the station D. The one who is studying in Automobile department sits third to the left of the one who is studying in IT department. The one who is studying in Civil department waits in the station F. Prisha and Ram does not wait either in station G or F. Prisha does not waits in the starting point. The train reach the last station at 8.57a.m.
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