Puzzle – 73 (HIGH) (Circle Based)

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Ten persons A, C, E, G, I, K, M, O, Q, and S are sitting around a circular table. All of them are not facing inside. All of them sit within an equal distance. Each one of them has a different number of chocolates i.e. 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, and 34 but not necessarily in the same order.

Only one person sits between E and I, who have 34 chocolates. The one, who have 12 chocolates, sits fourth to the right of A. S sits two places away from G, who have 14 Chocolates. K is an immediate neighbour of neither S nor G. O sits third to the left of Q, who has 28 chocolates. Only two persons sit between the one who has 12 chocolates and E. A is an immediate neighbour of Q. M has twice the chocolate of K. Q is not an immediate neighbour of M. K sits a fourth to the left of M. S is not an immediate neighbour of A. S have more chocolates than O. The one, who have 22 chocolates, sits third to the right of the one who have 26 chocolates. The difference between the chocolates for S and O is 6.

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