Puzzle – 305 (LoW) (Circle Based)

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There are seven cartons(Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ex, Fx and Gx) which placed one above the other, where lowermost carton is numbered as carton 1, carton above it is numbered as carton 2 and so on. Each carton contains different number of fruits.Carton Ex, which is at even numbered position,contains 12 fruits.

There are two cartons between carton Ex and Cx, and sum of the number of cartons in carton Ex and Cx is 30.Carton Gx, which is not just below carton Ex, is placed three cartons above carton Fx, which is not adjacent to carton Ex.Average of the number of fruits in carton Gx and the carton which is just below it is 14.Carton Bx is placed two cartons above carton Ax, which contains 6 more fruits than carton G.At least two cartons are placed above carton Dx,which contains 20 fruits.Carton Bx, Fx and Gx contains equal number of fruits.

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