Aston, Karamvir, Lalit, Phil, Dracs and Maxie, who represent six different companies – Microsoft, Google, GE, Unilever, IBM and Nestle – are sitting at a circular table, not necessarily in the given order, facing the centre. Each man is wearing a shirt of a different colour among White, Pink, Red, Brown, Blue and Black, again in no particular order.
The Microsoft’s representative is wearing neither a black nor a brown shirt. The Google’s representative is not wearing a black shirt. Karamvir is neither from Unilever nor wearing a red shirt. The only person sitting between Dracs and Maxie is wearing a pink shirt. Maxie is wearing a white shirt and he is sitting to the immediate left of the person who is wearing a red shirt. The person in black shirt is sitting at a position diametrically opposite that of the representative of Nestle. GE’s representative is sitting to the immediate left of the person who is wearing a brown shirt. The person wearing a white shirt is sitting to the immediate right of Unilever’s representative. Phil is wearing a blue shirt and he is from GE. He is sitting at a position diametrically opposite that of the person in pink shirt. Aston is not wearing a red shirt.
Solution :

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