Puzzle – 150 (Moderate) (Linear RoW Based)

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Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a straight line. Some of them face north while some of them face south direction. Each of them belongs to different cities- Pune, Agra, Lucknow, Jaipur, Banaras, Delhi, Goa and Kolkata.

The person who sits fourth to the right of T belongs to Jaipur and none of them sit extreme ends of the row. Q who belongs to Goa sits third to the left of R and face same direction as T. P belongs to Pune and sits one of the extreme ends of the row. R does not belong to Kolkata and S does not belongs to Jaipur. Q is an immediate neighbour of the one who belongs to Jaipur. The one who belongs to Delhi sits one of the position right of T. W sits second to the left of V who belongs to Lucknow and both of them facing opposite direction to each other. Q faces north direction. P and U facing same direction but opposite to S. The one who belongs to Kolkata sits third to the left of the one who belongs to Banaras. U sits second to the left of S. The one who belongs to Banaras is not an immediate neighbour of R.

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