Puzzle – 137 (Moderate) (Linear RoW Based)

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Ten people i.e. G, H, I, J, K, P, Q, R, S, and T are seating on two parallel rows. P, Q, R, S, and T are seating in row 1 and facing towards north. G, H, I, J, and K are seating in row 2 and facing south. They like different musical instrument Guitar, Piano, Violin, Saxophone, Drum, Flute, Tuba, Harp, Sitar, and Trumpet (not necessarily in same order).

R likes Trumpet and sits at extreme end. Immediate neighbour of R faces the one who likes Saxophone. Immediate neighbour of G faces P, who likes Tuba. T doesn’t sit at the middle of the row. The one who faces P sits second to the right of K who likes Flute. The one, who likes Guitar sits extreme end. Q does not like Violin. T likes Drum and doesn’t sit just near to both P and R. Neither H nor J sits at extreme end. J faces the one who likes Sitar and Q faces the one who likes Piano. G sits second right of the one who faces the immediate neighbour of R.

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