Eight balls are arranged in a stack from bottom to top numbered from 1-8 each from a different e commerce games; Cricket, Football, Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Rugby, Table Tennis and Badminton not necessarily in the same order.Each ball has different colours viz. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Black, Pink and Orange not necessarily in the same order. The arrangement is based on the following rules:
• The ball from Tennis game is kept at an even numbered position.
• There are 3 balls between the ball from Tennis game and the ball with Orange colour.
• The ball from Golf game is either at the top or at the bottom of the stack.
• Ball number 2 has Red colour and it is not from Tennis game.
• Ball with the White colour is kept between the ball from Table Tennis game and the ball having Yellow colour.
• The ball from Cricketgame is kept one ball above the ball from Hockey game.
• There are 4 balls between the ball with Blue colour and the ball from Table Tennis game.
• There are 3 balls between the ball with Whitecolour and the ball with Greencolour.
• The ball from Badminton game is between the ball with Pink colour and the ball from Rugby game.
• The ball from Table Tennis game does not have Pink colour .
Solution :

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