PM Kanya Ashirwad Yojana 2021 ~ Apply Online And Eligibility Criteria

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Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana 2021: “Save Girl Child” is the main Moto of the Central Government. To fulfill that there is a string of new schemes to help and support the families of the Girl Child. The main reason behind the non-liking of Girls as a child is that everyone thinks that raising a girl child is expensive and also there is tension for her marriage.

The situation becomes worst when a family is barely earning food. If there is one or two girl child then families are in very much in problems. This is the thought process of the many families who are living under or at the Poverty Line. The Central Government is aware of these kinds of Situations. So that Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana 2020 is initiated. We will provide you all the related information that is necessary for the application for the registration process.

PM Kanya Ashirwad Yojana 2021

Non-Existing Scheme  

The golden wordings that “if we educate a Boy the only boy get educated but if we educate a girl the whole family becomes educated” is definitely true. Girls are always our proud. But in the present scenario, the condition of girls is very bad in India as well as the whole world. In most of the states of India girls are treated as to be a burden and the parents not only do the marriage of their girls very early age also not to teach them. Due to this girl has helpless to face so many problems in their life. The parents of girls only educate their boy and they think that no need to educate girls as she only has to take care of home-related work.

Poverty is the only reason for the pathetic condition of the girl in India. Parents are helpless to educate their girls due to monitory problems due to which girls become uneducated.

Day by day Government of India is framing so many schemes for the betterment of women. Modi Government’s slogan of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ has been successfully worked in many states but still, the condition of girls is very pathetic and needs attention for their education and overall growth.

Benefits of This Scheme

There are many schemes for a girl child and they have their own benefits. Any scheme Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana if exist then:

  • Under this scheme, the government provides financial help to poor and needy girls for better education and health.
  • The main aim of this scheme is to change the thinking of society as girls are a burden.
  • Mainly this scheme provides better future care to the girl child in India.

Modi government has launched a new scheme for the welfare of girls. The scheme is called Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana 2021. This welfare scheme will be very beneficial for girls belongs to poor families. In this scheme, the girls who belong to poor families of India will get the financial help of Rs.2000 monthly for their education and welfare. This welfare scheme is applicable to every poor girl in India. There are some doubts about the authenticity of this welfare scheme so we are not responsible for the authenticity of this girl’s welfare scheme.

Eligibility For Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana

If there is the possibility of the scheme in near future then eligibility for Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana will be:

  • Girls of BC (Backward Classes):-This scheme is only for the Poor section, SC (Schedule caste)/ST (Schedule Tribe) girls of India. This scheme mainly works for the betterment of girls belongs to the weaker sections and backward classes of India.
  • Yearly Income of Family: –The yearly family income of the girl must not be more than Rs.60, 000.
  • Age limit:-This scheme is only for the girls who attain the age of 18 years.

Documents May Required for This scheme

If there is any scheme that exists in the name of Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana. Then the required documents may be below:-

  • Identity Proof: The applicant girl under this scheme must have a valid and Aadhar card and voter card of a related state.
  • Residential Proof: As this scheme is for the girls of India so the Applicant girl must be a permanent resident of India by birth and have valid proof of that.
  • Income certificate:- This is the responsibility of the applicant to attach a valid income certificate.
  • Age proof certificate that confirms the age of the girl.
  • Educational Certificates of the applicant
  • Caste Certificate that confirms the caste of the girl.
  • Passport size
  • Bank details and account number:-The girl should have a bank account with her own name as the amount of the scheme will directly be transferred to the bank account.

How to Apply for Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana?

  1. To apply for Pradhanmantri Kanya Ashirwad Yojana there is no govt. Specified process.
  2. You can ask for a scheme to your nearest Lok Seva Kendra for further details and scheme existence.
  3. As per authenticity, there is no valid proof of this scheme so at present there is no official website confirmed for the application.
  4. The interested applicant girls can fill the form carefully and attach all the necessary documents with the form.
  5. Submit those to the Sewa Kenders of the government nearby you.

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