IBPS RRB: Provisional Allotment List for Officer & Office Assistant

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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the IBPS RRB 2019 final result/provisional allotment. The result for the provisional allotment is available on-line on the official web site. Candidates can check their provisional allotment result by logging with registration number or roll number and date of birth or password. The hard copy of the provisional allotment has not been despatched to candidates by post. Candidates can check their final result/provisional allotment until February 1, 2020.

Along with the result, the examination authority has released IBPS RRB cut off 2019 for Office Assistant, Officers Scale I, II and III.

The provisional allotment list of IBPS RRB for Office Assistant has been prepared primarily based on the marks of mains examination. The final IBPS RRB result/final allotment for Officers Scale I post has arrived on the basis of the marks of mains examination and interview. The provisional allotment list for Officers Scale I, II and III have been calculated primarily based on the performance of candidates within the single on-line examination and interview.

IBPS RRB Provisional Allotment List 2020

S.NoPost NameVacancy
1Office AssistantClick Here
2Officer Scale IClick Here
3Officer Scale-IIClick Here
4Officer Scale-IIIClick Here

How to check IBPS RRB PO Clerk Provisional Allotment List 2020?

  • Candidates kindly visit the official site ibps.in.
  • You will get into the official site.
  • On the home page, there will be a link regarding the IBPS RRB.
  • Click on that you will get into the respective page.
  • In that find the exact link regarding the provisional allotment list for posts of Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, II & III.
  • Click on your respective posts.
  • Now you will the provisional list PDF.
  • Kindly check your result.
  • Download it and take a printout for your reference.

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