Assam Scholarship 2022 ~ Online Registration, Eligibility & Last Date

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A new scholarship opportunity has been launched by the concerned authorities of the Assam Government and in this article today, you will be learning about the eligibility criteria, educational criteria, important dates, and the types of scholarships present in the Assam government. In this article, we will also share with you all the procedures through which you will be able to apply online for the different types of scholarships present in the Assam government. We will also share with you all the different types of details related to the Assam Scholarship for the year 2022. We have also shared the tentative examination dates of the scholarship opportunities.

Details Of Assam Scholarship 2022

NameAssam Scholarship 2020-21: Online Registration, Eligibility & Last Date
Launched by Assam Government
ObjectiveProviding financial assistance
BeneficiariesStudents of Assam
Official site

Assam Scholarship 2022

The Scholarship is a very prestigious opportunity for all of the beneficiaries who are really looking forward to getting financial help from any of the government authorities and this is a very oblivious opportunity for all of the students of Assam state. You can get a whole lot of benefits through the implementation of the different types of scholarship opportunities in Assam state and that will be very beneficial for you in the long run. The first date to apply for the scholarship of opportunity is already running in the Assam state and you can apply for the scholarship till the start of the year 2021.

Types Of Scholarships

The following types of scholarships will be provided to the beneficiaries:-

Scholarship NameProvider Name
Combined Merit Scholarship, AssamDirectorate of Higher Education, Government of Assam
Post Graduate Research Fellowship, AssamDirectorate of Higher Education, Government of Assam
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamGovernment of Assam
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), AssamDepartment of Welfare of Plains Tribes & Backward Classes, Government of Assam
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), AssamMinistry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamGovernment of Assam
Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students, AssamMinistry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
Means cum Merit Scholarship, AssamDepartment of Higher Education, Government of Assam
National Talent Search Exam (NTSE)National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Assam Foundation of North America Academics ScholarshipAssam Foundation of North America (AFNA)
Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam RiflesWelfare and Rehabilitation Board, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

Important Dates

Scholarship NameImportant Dates
Assam Pre Matric Scholarship for SC Students31-Oct-2020
NSP Top Class Education Scheme for SC Students 2020-2131-Oct-2020
SOF International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)31-Aug-2020
SOF National Science Olympiad (NSO)31-Aug-2020
Combined Merit ScholarshipBetween August and October
Post Graduate Research FellowshipBetween August and October
IITM Research Fellowship31-Jul-2020
Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme For Central Armed Police Forces And Assam Rifles15 Dec 2020
Assam Foundation of North America Academics Scholarship30-April-2020
Pre Matric Scholarship for ST (Class 9 & 10) Students Assam10h March 2020
Post Matric Scholarship For SC Students Assam10h March 2020
Pre Matric Scholarship For SC (Class 9th & 10th) Students Assam10h March 2020
Post Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Assam10h March 2020
Pre Matric Scholarship for OBC Students Assam10h March 2020
Post Matric Scholarship For ST Students Assam10h March 2020
William J. Clinton Fellowship20-Jan-2020
Ishan Uday Scholarship For NER15 November 2020
Pre-matric Scholarship For Students With DisabilitiesMid-November
Means cum Merit ScholarshipBetween March and May

Eligibility Criteria Of Assam Scholarship 2022

The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria to apply for the scheme:-

Scholarship NameCategoryEligibility
Combined Merit Scholarship, AssamFor allThe scholarship is open to students pursuing a general degree and master’s degree courses in science, commerce, and arts stream. They must have secured at least 60% marks in the last qualifying examination.
Post Graduate Research Fellowship, AssamFor allThe students pursuing M.Phil/Ph.D./PG LLM/Post doctoral-level research from a recognized University can apply for this fellowship. They must have secured at least 55% marks in the last qualifying examination.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamFor OBCThe students of classes 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship. They must hold a minimum attendance of 60% in the previous year. The annual income of the family should be less than INR 2.50 Lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), AssamFor STThis scholarship is open to students who are studying in classes 1 to 8 at an institution recognized by the Government of Assam. The annual income of the family should be less than INR 50,000.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), AssamFor STThe scholarship is applicable to students who are studying in classes 9 and 10 (full-time) at a government school or a government-recognized school. The annual income of the family should be less than INR 2 Lakh per annum. The applicants should not be in receipt of any other centrally-funded pre-matric scholarship.
Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamFor OBCThe students pursuing their studies at the post-matriculation level (class 11 to postdoctoral level) from a recognized institution can apply for this scholarship. The annual income of the family should not exceed INR 1.50 Lakh per annum from all sources.
Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students, AssamFor STThe scholarship is open to students pursuing studies at the post-matriculation level (class 11 to post-doctoral level) from a recognized institution. The annual income of the family should be less than INR 2 Lakh from all sources.
Means cum Merit Scholarship, AssamFor allStudents pursuing a full-time degree course in the stream of arts, science, or commerce at a government/provincialized college of Assam can apply for this scholarship. They must have secured at least 60% marks or above in the higher secondary examination. The annual income of the family should not exceed INR 2.50 Lakh per annum.
National Talent Search Exam (NTSE)For allThis is a national level examination, conducted at the state level for students of class 10 who are studying at recognised schools. The students pursuing their studies through open distance learning can also apply for the exam if they are below 18 years of age.
Assam Foundation of North America Academics ScholarshipFor allStudents, who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree course in any discipline can apply for this scholarship. They must have passed their higher secondary/ CBSE/ ISC/ Pre-University examination. The annual income of the family should be INR 50,000 or less.
Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam RiflesFor allThe scholarship is open for the wards and widows of CAPF and AR personnel (who died at work), Ex-CAPFs and AR personnel (who became disabled at work), and retired personnel (below officer rank). They must be pursuing degree courses like medicine, engineering, veterinary, BBA, BSc, Dental, BCA, MBA, MCA, etc. They must have completed their qualifying examination (class 12, diploma, or graduation) with at least 60% marks.

Application Process Of Assam Scholarship 2022

The applicant must follow the following application process to apply for the different types of scholarships:-

Scholarship NameApplication Procedure
Combined Merit Scholarship, AssamApply online through the scholarship portal of the Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Assam.
Post Graduate Research Fellowship, AssamApply online through the scholarship portal of the Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Assam.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamApply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), AssamApply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), AssamApply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamApply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students, AssamApply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Means cum Merit Scholarship, AssamApply online through the Means cum Merit Scholarship Portal of the Department of Higher Education, Assam.
National Talent Search Exam (NTSE)Apply through the respective state’s liaison officer.
Assam Foundation of North America Academics ScholarshipBoth online and offline applications can be made through the official website of the Assam Foundation of North America (AFNA).
Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam RiflesApply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).

Award Details

The following awards will be given to the beneficiaries through the scholarships:-

Scholarship NameNumber of ScholarshipsAward Details
Combined Merit Scholarship, Assam840For students pursuing degree course – INR 300 per month for students pursuing postgraduate degree course – INR 500 per month
Post Graduate Research Fellowship, Assam32For students pursuing the PG LLM course – INR 500 per month for students pursuing an MPhil course – INR 700 per month for students pursuing a PhD. – INR 1000 per month
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamNAFor hostellers of class 3 to 10 – INR 500 per month for 10 months day scholars of class 1 to 10 – INR 100 per month for 10 months annual ad hoc grant of INR 500
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), AssamNAINR 100 per month (i.e. INR 1200 per annum)
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), AssamNAINR 150 per month for day scholars and INR 350 per month for hostellers for 10 months of books and ad-hoc grant of INR 750 per annum for day scholars and INR 1000 per annum for hostellers.Additional disability allowance of up to INR 240.
Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamNAMaintenance allowance of up to 750 per month for 10 months reader charges of up to INR 175 per month reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fees Study tour charges of up to INR 900 per annumThesis typing and printing charges of up to INR 1000
Post Matric Scholarship for ST Students, AssamNAMaintenance allowance of up to INR 1200 per month additional allowance of up to INR 240 per month for students with disabilitiesReimbursement of compulsory non-refundable feesStudy tour charges of up to INR 1600 per annumThesis typing and printing charges of up to INR 1600An annual allowance of INR 1200 for books to students pursuing their studies through correspondence
Means cum Merit Scholarship, Assam460INR 1000 per month paid as one-time assistance every year
National Talent Search Exam (NTSE)1000For studies in classes 11 and 12 – INR 1250 per month for studies at undergraduate or postgraduate level – INR 2000 per month for studies at PhD level – As per the norms of UGC
Assam Foundation of North America Academics Scholarship30Partial/Complete Tuition Fee Compensation
Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles2000INR 2250 per month (INR 27,000 per annum) for girls and INR 2000 per month (INR 24,000 per annum) for boys

Assam Scholarship 2020-21 Documents Required

The following documents are required while applying for the scholarship scheme:-

  • PRC Voter ID Certificate from DC / Circle Officer / Block Officer as Proof of Domicile of State of Assam. –
  • Bonafide certificate from the college authority
  • Income certificate of parents from circle officer
  • HS (10+2) final mark sheet
  • Self-declaration certificate of not availing of any other scholarship. – 1st page of Bank passbook displaying Bank Name, IFSC Code, Account Holder Name, Account Name

Application Procedure Of Assam Scholarship 2022

To apply for the scholarship opportunity you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • First, go to the official website
  • Now the instruction and the eligibility criteria for the scholarships will be displayed on your screen
  • Read them carefully
  • Now click on the option called register now
  • Enter the following-
    • User ID (email address only)
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Last Name
    • Gender
    • Date of Birth
    • Community
    • Mobile No
    • Security Code
  • Click on register now
  • Now, click on apply online
  • Log in with your credentials
  • The application form will be displayed on your screen
  • Fill up the form
  • Upload the documents
  • Click on submit

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