Kerala Sahachari Scheme 2022 ~ Application Form,Online Download

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The Kerala Sahachari Scheme 2022 application form PDF is available for download online on the official website of, Govt. To encourage NCC / NSS / SPC units supporting CWDs, see full details here. Keeping in mind the interests of all children With Disabilities (CWDs) of Kerala, an official announcement has been made to launch a new government scheme. This new government scheme of the Kerala government is named Kerala Sahachari Scheme 2020. Today, we will tell you through this article how you can apply online for this Sahachari scheme. Under this Kerala Sahachari Scheme, NCC / NSS / SPC units supporting children with disabilities (CWDs) will be encouraged. 40,000 / – has been allocated for each district of Kerala by the state Social Justice Department.

Highlights of Kerala Sahachari Scheme

Scheme NameSahachari Scheme
Launched ByKerala Government
BeneficiariesSchool Students
Registration ProcessOnline
BenefitsIncentive to NCC / NSS / SPC
CategoryKerala Govt. Schemes
Official Website

Vijayamritham & Sahachari Scheme Launched

To provide inspiration and help for different people on 13 December 2019, the Kerala State Government has launched 2 social welfare schemes’ Vijayamritam ‘and Sahachari’. These schemes are also applicable to NSS (National Service Scheme), NCC (National Cadet Corps) and Student Police Cadet (SPC) units which work for their care and welfare.

Vijayamritam: It offers one-time cash prizes to meritorious individuals with high marks in degree holder / equivalent courses, postgraduate (PG) and professional courses. Students of government / aided colleges / other affiliated institutes are eligible for this scheme.

Sahachari Scheme: The scheme aims to provide incentives to NCC / NSS / SPC units working in schools, which provide support to students with more than 40% disability in various studies as well as other extra-curricular activities. The certificate and plaque will be awarded to the 3 best NCC / NSS / SPC units, which serve different needy of different students. For this work, they will be given an amount of 40,000 / – each.

Kerala Sahachari Scheme for encouraging NCC/ NSS/ SPC units assisting CWDs

  • Disability should not stand in the way of a productive career of people, even though it can be a major obstacle for those who suffer from various mental and physical debilitations. For children with disabilities (CWD), the simple task of going to school and furthering their education will be interrupted and they are forced to quit.
  • Section 16 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act 2016 envisages that all educational institutions provide inclusive education to children with disabilities and create opportunities for equal sports and recreational activities without discrimination.
  • As an inclusive and comprehensive approach to mainstreaming such target groups, the Department of Social Justice has initiated a novel project known as the “Cooperative” scheme. The scheme aims to provide incentives to NCC / NSS / SPC units working in schools, which provide support to differently abled students in studies as well as other extra-curricular activities.
  • Activities in the field of the disability sector will also be taken into consideration for this appreciation. The citation and certificate will be awarded to pro-active NCC / NSS / SPC units, which serve different needy differently-abled students. For this purpose, the Social Justice Department has earmarked an amount of 40,000 / – for each district.

Kerala Sahachari Scheme Download Application PDF

If you want to apply for this government scheme of the Kerala government, then you have to follow the following steps: –

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Kerala Social Justice Department. The home page of the official website will open on your computer screen.
  • After coming to the official website, you have to click on the “Schemes” button.
  • After this, a new page will open in front of you, in which you have to click on the link of the “Sahachari scheme for encouraging NCC / NSS / SPC units assisting CWDs“.
  • Then you have to go to the section of the Document and click on the link of “Application Forms – Sahachari scheme for encouraging NCC / NSS / SPC units assisting CWDs“.
  • After clicking, the application form will open in front of you, which you can easily download and fill.

Kerala Sahachari Scheme Beneficiary List

  • If you want to see Sahachari Scheme List online, we have given a direct link keeping in mind your convenience, with the help of which you can easily check your name online in the beneficiary list.

Direct Link: –

  • As soon as you click on the link, a new page will open in front of you, in which you have to select the first year. The year for which you want to see the beneficiary list.
  • After this, you have to select the name of your district. After making the selection, a beneficiary list will open in front of you, in which you can see your name.

Download Government Order / Internal Order regarding Sahachari Scheme

You can download the Kerala government order as well as the internal order of Sahchari Scheme 2020 from the direct link given below:

Government Order (GOs):

Internal Order:

Note: All interested students should check the concerned government and internal order which will help in better understanding of the implementation of the scheme.

Helpline Number

In case of any type of problem, applicants can seek help through the helpline number and email id given below

  • E-mail: 
  • Contact Number: +91 471 2306040, +91 471 2302887.
  • Website:

We hope that you will definitely find information related to Sahachari Scheme beneficial. In this article, we have tried to answer all the questions you ask.

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