Chatra Protsahan Yojana 2021 ~ Apply Online & Selection Procedure

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In order to develop all the sections of society, the government launches various kinds of schemes. Education is said to be the foundation of socio-economic development. So in order to ensure that each and every child of the country will get quality education both the Central and state governments launch various kinds of schemes. Today we are going to give you information regarding such a scheme called Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana. Under this scheme, coaching will be provided to the scheduled tribe and scheduled caste students. By reading this article you will get complete details regarding this scheme like its objective, benefits, features, eligibility criteria, required documents, application procedure, etc. So if you have an interest in getting all the important information regarding Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana then you have to go through this article till the end.

Key Highlights Of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

Name Of The SchemeOdisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana
Launched ByGovernment Of Odisha
BeneficiaryStudents Belonging To Scheduled Tribe And Scheduled Caste Category
ObjectiveTo Provide Coaching
Number Of Beneficiaries320
Official WebsiteClick Here
Mode Of ApplicationOnline/Offline

About Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana 2021

The Government of Odisha has launched Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana. Under this scheme 320 class 10th pass outs (200 students securing 60% from SSD High schools and 120 students securing 70% from EMRS) meritorious students who belong to a scheduled tribe or scheduled caste category will get two years of professional training and coaching in order to achieve success in the competitive exams of Medical and engineering courses every year. For providing coaching multiple reputed coaching institutions will shortlist who will be responsible for providing coaching to the beneficiary’s students. The government is also going to identify the meritorious students who will have to go through a screening test. Based on the marks secured in this test the candidate will be qualified for coaching.

 The selection of scheduled tribe and scheduled caste students will maintain the ratio of 9:1. The government is going to regularly monitor and evaluate the learning and knowledge levels. Through this scheme, students will be able to improve their fundamental concepts and prepare for exams without distracting their regular studies.

Opening Of Seven Centre Of Excellence

On 4th October 2021, the Government of Odisha launched Chatra Protsahan Yojana. Under this scheme, free coaching to schedule caste and scheduled Tribes students will be provided for medical and engineering entrance examinations. The SC and ST development department of the Odisha government is going to open 7 centres of excellence in SC and ST schools throughout the state. Through these schools, 320 students will select every year who will get free education. These centres will encourage the students of Higher Secondary schools towards higher education. This scheme will identify and nurture the potentially scheduled tribe and scheduled caste students from a young age for higher education in the Medical and engineering sector.

Distribution Of Tablets

The students will select on the basis of class 10th merit. After that, a selection test from among the students who have passed Matric will be held. A Memorandum of understanding has also been signed with various coaching agencies in order to provide onsite Medical and engineering coaching and preparatory training to the selected students. During the inauguration ceremony of this scheme member of Parliament, Dr Amar Patnaik handed over 200 tablets from MPLAD funds to those students who will be undergoing the program.

Objective Of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

The main objective of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana is to encourage the students of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe to achieve higher education in the field of Medical and engineering. Under this scheme, free coaching will be provided to 10th pass-out students for cracking the Medical and engineering entrance exam. Through this scheme, the potential of a scheduled tribe and scheduled caste students will identify and nurtured from a very young age. Other than that a sense of competitiveness and desire to excel will also be built among the students. This scheme is also going to improve the standard of living of the students.

Benefits And Features Of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

  • The Government of Odisha have launched Orissa Chatra protsahan Yojana
  • Under the scheme 320 class 10th pass outs meritorious students who belong to scheduled tribe or scheduled caste category will get two years professional training and coaching
  • This coaching will be provided so that the beneficiaries can achieve success in the competitive exam of Medical and engineering courses every year
  • For providing coaching multiple reputed coaching institute will shortlist who will provide coaching to the beneficiary
  • All the identified meritorious students have to go through screening test
  • Based on the marks secured in this test the candidate will be qualified for coaching
  • The selection of schedule tribe and scheduled caste students will maintain at the ratio of 9:1
  • The government is also going to regularly monitor and evaluate the learning and knowledge levels
  • Through this coaching students will be able to improve their fundamental concept and prepare for exam without distracting their regular studies
  • The SC and ST development department of Odisha Government is going to open 7 centres of excellence in SC and ST schools throughout the states
  • At the inauguration ceremony of this scheme 200 tablets have hand over to those students who will be undergoing the program
  • The medium of teaching will be both in English and Odia
  • It is the responsibility of coaching institution that those students who come from odia background should not face any difficulty
  • Training agency will also provide guidance and counseling and any other support which are required by the student
  • The duration and frequency of the classes is to increase a month before the students has to appear in the examination

Modalities To Be Undertaken

  • Identification of eligible meritorious students from SSD and EMRS
  • Screening test of The Eligible student.
  • The composition of the students will be in proportion of 66% SSD student and 34% EMRS students
  • Shortlisting of reputed coaching institute
  • Negotiating with the coaching institute
  • Meaning of memorandum of understanding with the coaching institute
  • The selection of ST and SC student will maintain in the ratio 9:1
  • Maintenance of gender balance that is 50% for girls and 50% for boys
  • Sponsoring the shortlisted students
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation
  • Performance assessment and renewal of contract. The performance will be based on yearly achievement by the students appearing in the entrance exam and qualifying in the entrance exam.

Accommodations Under Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

The selected shortlisted reputed institution will provide coaching to the eligible students as per their regular program and course design. The nodal department will ensure that the continued education of selected students will be maintained till class 12th in Higher Secondary School of its own in a residential mode. The adjoining districts to these urban centres serve as a catchment area for the scheme. Other than that the concerned teachers of the venue School will provide academic support and guidance to the students.

Monitoring And Expected Outcome Of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

  • For monitoring this scheme the district officials will act as monitoring official for the project
  • Department level senior level officers will closely monitor the progress of the scheme
  • They require to take regular updates on the performance of the scheme
  • Sense of achievement and self respect among the private students will promote.
  • The tribal community will get development opportunity

Implementation Of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

  • The nodal department will identify the schools and establish them as centre of excellence in different districts
  • School will be designated exclusively for the selected student for attending the academic session wherein a regular schooling will be done and the subject in their courses will be taught in regular classes and periods as per subject
  • The selected schools will also offer residential facilities for all the selected students
  • Schools are also required to ensure Full focus of the student on the academic session as well as on coaching classes which will be imported by training agency
  • Along with regular academic session necessary coaching will provide for the subjects that require for qualifying state or National level engineering and medical entrance examinations

Components To Imbibe Within The Curriculum

  • Specialised coaching for science students so that students can qualify state or National level engineering entrance examination
  • The Specialised coaching for science students so that student can qualify state or National level medical entrance examination
  • Specialised coaching for Science students so that they can score better in the 12th standard board examination

Scope Of Work Of Coaching Institutes Under Chatra Protsahan Yojana

  • Training agency can offer coaching classes to meritorious students for a duration as mentioned in the contract
  • This includes provisioning of study material along with other requirements
  • It will be mentioned in the contract the locations where the coaching programs will be conducted
  • The entrance exam will be conducted by the training agency
  • For final scrutiny and declaration of results of the selected student evaluated result along with the question and answer sheets will be submitted
  • The medium of teaching will be both in English and Odia
  • It is the responsibility of coaching institution that those students who come from odia background should not face any difficulty
  • Training agency will also provide guidance and counseling and any other support which are required by the student
  • The duration and frequency of the classes is to increase a month before the students has to appear in the examination
  • Training agencies required to ensure that the training curriculum adapted is in line with the latest exam pattern for the academic year
  • A proper measure for students performance monitoring and interpreting is required
  • Training agency will also conduct feedback session from students
  • The report of feedback is to be shared with administration
  • Training agency is required to provide teaching staff the training material and necessary literature stationery and training materials
  • Not a single student is allowed to leave the course without prior permission of the concerned authority
  • Training agencies required to maintain all the kinds of records
  • Minimum number of qualified teaching staff is to be provided by the training agency

Expected Delivery Of Result From Training Agency

  • The coaching should start within 15 days from receiving the work order
  • 100% students should secure more than 60% marks in 12th board examination
  • 30% students should secure above 70% marks in 12th board examination
  • 20% students from mathematics stream should get admission in in any of the following colleges under NIT, IIT or any State government or Central government college
  • 10% student should get admission in any other college
  • At least 10% student from biology stream should get admission in any medical college
  • 10% student should get admitted in BAMS, BHMS, BDS, BPharma, BSc nursing, BSC agriculture etc

Eligibility Criteria Of Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

  • Applicant must be permanent resident of Odisha
  • Applicant must have passed class 10th
  • The applicant must be a science student

Required Documents

  • Aadhar card
  • Income certificate
  • Proof of age
  • Class 10th marksheet
  • Residence certificate
  • Ration card
  • Passport size photograph
  • Email ID
  • Mobile number

Procedure To Apply Under Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

  • First of all go to the official website of ST and SC development, minorities and backward classes welfare department, Government of Odisha
  • On the home page will appear before you
  • On the homepage you have to click on Odisha Chatra protsahan Yojana
  • Now you have to click on apply online
  • A new page will appear before you
  • On this new page you have to enter all the required details like your name, email id, mobile number etc
  • Now you have to upload all the required documents
  • After that you have to click on submit
  • By following this procedure you can apply under Odisha Chatra Protsahan Yojana

Contact Details

  • Address:ST & SC Development,Minorities &
    Backward Classes Welfare Department
    Odisha Secretariat Bhubaneswar-751001 Odisha,India
  • Phone:(0674) 2536672
  • Fax/EPBX:2393249/2322757
  • E-mail:

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