Puzzle – 173 (Moderate) (Box Based)

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Seven different boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U and V contain seven different fruits namely viz., Guava, Apple, Banana, Mango, Pomegranate, Plum and Orange are arranged one above the other. The box at the bottom of arrangement is numbered 1, the above box is numbered 2 and so on.

The box which contains the Mango is immediately below P. Only one box is between the Guava box and U. V is immediately above the Plum box. More than two boxes are above the box that contains Guava. Only two boxes are between the Apple box and the box that contains Oranges. Only two boxes are between the box which contains the yellow-colour fruit (not Banana) and the box which contains Guava. Q is immediately above T. The box filled with Banana is neither at the top nor at the bottom of the arrangement. Box Q does not contain Guava. Only one box is between Q and the box which one is filled with Apples. Q is placed above the Apple box. R is placed immediately above U. Neither R nor V contains Mango. Box U is not at the bottom place.

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