OSSC CPSE Provisional Selection List 2020 Released – Download Viva Date. Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) authority announced the OSSC CPSE Provisional Selection List 2020. Furthermore, the OSSC Combined Police Service Examination carried out on 04 January 2020. And the officials had declared the OSSC CPSE Provisional Selection Lists on the official web site on 09 June 2020. As well as, we had furnished the entire details of OSSC CPSE Cut Off Marks 2020 & OSSC CPSE Merit List 2020. For the sake of the students, we had given the direct link to download the Odisha SSC Provisional Selection List 2020. The Viva Voce date for OSSC CPSE Provisional Selection List 2020 Chosen candidates Will be announced later.

Board Name | Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) |
Post Name | Combined Police Service |
Exam Name | Combined Police Service Examination (CPSE) |
Provisional List Released date | 09-06-2020 |
Exam date | 04-01-2020 |
Viva Voce date for Selected candidates | Will be announced later |
Status | Provisional List Released |
Category | Exam Results |
Download OSSC CPSE Provisional Selection List 2020

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