OMC Junior Executive Assistant Admit Card 2021 OUT – Download Reschedule Here!! Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMC) has released the recruitment Notifications of 128 Vacancies for Junior Executive Assistant, Junior Engineer, and Junior Nurse & Junior Pharmacist Posts. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) on 25.03.2021 in respect of the provisionally shortlisted candidates for the post of Jr.Executive Assistant.
OMC Junior Executive Assistant Admit Card 2021
Board Name | Odisha Mining Corporation Limited |
Post Name | Junior Executive Assistant, Junior Engineer, and Junior Nurse & Junior Pharmacist |
Vacancy | 128 |
CPT Date | 25.03.2021 |
Status | Admit Card Released |
Download Exam Date Notice (Reschedule)
Selection Process:
Stage One: (Computer Based Test)
- The Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of Jr. Engineer (Mechanical), Jr. Engineer (Electrical), Jr. Nurse & Jr. Pharmacist will be of 2 (Two) hours duration. However, the Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of Jr. Executive Assistant will be of 2 ½ (Two and a half) hours duration.
- For every correct answer, one mark shall be awarded. For every wrong answer attempted by the candidates, a negative marking of ¼ marks (i.e., 0.25 marks) will be deducted. No marks will be awarded/deducted for un-attempted questions.
Stage Two: (Computer Proficiency Test & Document Verification)
- There shall be no viva-voice test. Merit on descending order of Merit (category-wise) shall be the basis for recruitment.
- In case of filling up the posts of Jr. Executive Assistant, the candidates must be qualified in Computer Proficiency Test (must obtain a minimum of 30 marks out of 100 marks). The candidates for the posts of Jr. Executive Assistant shall be called for the Computer Proficiency Test in the ratio of 1:5 in descending order of merit. Marks obtained in the Computer Proficiency Test shall not be added to the marks secured by the candidate in the written test.
- After the Computer Based Test (CBT) for the posts of Jr. Engineer (Mechanical), Jr. Engineer (Electrical), Jr. Nurse & Jr. Pharmacist, the candidates shall be called for verification of documents in the ratio of 1:3 in the descending order of merit in the Computer Based Test (CBT). However, for the post of Jr. Executive Assistant (JEA), the qualifying candidates (in the Computer Proficiency Test) shall be called for verification of documents in the ratio of 1:3 in descending order of merit in the Computer Based Test (CBT).
- The candidates to be called for Document Verification will have to produce original mark sheets, certificates, and documents from (HSC / 10th onwards) towards proof of age, qualification, caste/residence, etc.
- In the case of Sports Person, the candidate needs to submit the Identity Card issued by Sports & Youth Services Department, Govt. of Odisha at the stage of Document Verification.
- The candidates already employed in Government/ Semi-Government/ Central PSU/ State PSU shall submit a “No Objection Certificate” issued by their present employer at the stage of document verification. vii. The Candidature of the candidates, not producing the required original documents at the time of document verification, shall be canceled/ rejected.
- Filling-up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the Management based on suitability of candidates & hence, no claim shall arise for an appointment if vacancies are not filled up due to unsuitability / insufficient number of candidates.
Exam Date 2020 Details:
The Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) is only qualifying in nature & the marks obtained in the test shall not be added to the mark obtained by the candidate in the Computer Based Test (CBT).
The details regarding Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) center, test duration, reporting time, etc. shall be communicated through the e-Admit card, which shall be sent shortly to the registered e-mail IDs of the provisionally shortlisted candidates.
The Instructions along with the sample question pattern for the Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) is enclosed as Annexure-I for reference of the provisionally shortlisted candidates

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