Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus 2023 ~ Check Exam Pattern

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Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus 2023 – Know Nainital Bank Management Trainee Exam Pattern 2023 @ The Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus for 2023 has been published here to assist candidates in their exam preparation. The Nainital Bank Limited Board has released the Nainital Bank Management Trainee Exam Pattern 2023, along with the official notification, as a valuable reference for the exam. To conveniently access the Nainital Bank Clerk and MT Syllabus for 2023, applicants are advised to thoroughly review the entire page.

Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus 2023 Details

Organization NameNainital Bank Limited
Name of the PostsClerk & Management Trainees
Job LocationAcross India
Min QualificationGraduation
Post Graduation
Selection ProcessWritten ExamInterview

Nainital Bank Clerk Syllabus 2023

General Awareness

  1. Indian Constitution.
  2. Books and Authors.
  3. Abbreviations.
  4. Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
  5. Current Important Events.
  6. Banking News.
  7. Important Days.
  8. Important Financial.
  9. Economic News.
  10. Current Affairs – National & International.
  11. Awards and Honors.
  12. History.
  13. Sports and Games.

Computer Knowledge

  1. Powerpoint & Internet software
  2. Recent trends social media & cybersecurity Computer network & devices & OSI layers
  3. Authentication & Integrity Algorithms
  4. Introduction to Computers
  5. Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
  6. TCP/IP & 802.X protocols
  7. Cryptography & Network Security
  8. Encryption & Decryption Algorithms
  9. Working with Word Processing
  10. Spreadsheet

General English

  1. Error Spotting
  2. Active Voice and Passive Voice
  3. Direct and Indirect Speech
  4. Match the following words
  5. Choose the correct ‘Synonyms’
  6. Select the correct word (Prefix, Suffix)
  7. Reading Comprehension
  8. Fill in the blanks (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle)
  9. Identify the sentence pattern
  10. Find out the Error (Articles, Prepositions, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb)
  11. Select the correct Plural forms
  12. Identify the sentence (Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences)
  13. Identify the correct Degree
  14. Form a new word by blending the words
  15. Form compound words (Eg: Noun+Verb, Gerund+Noun)
  16. Alliteration
  17. Oxymoron
  18. Onomatopoeia
  19. Anaphora
  20. Ellipsis
  21. Repetition
  22. Apostrophe
  23. British English – American English
  24. Allusion
  25. Jumbled Sentence
  26. Phrase Replacement
  27. Sentence Improvement
  28. Cloze Test
  29. Fill in the Blanks
  30. Wrong Spelt
  31. One Word Substitution
  32. Fill in the blanks with suitable Article
  33. Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition
  34. Select the correct Question Tag
  35. Select the correct Tense
  36. Select the correct Voice
  37. Simile
  38. Metaphor
  39. Personification

Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Ratio and Proportion & Partnership
  2. Mixture & Allegations
  3. Time and Work & Pipes and Cisterns
  4. Speed, Time & Distance (Train, Boats & Stream)
  5. Mensuration
  6. Percentage
  7. Profit and Loss
  8. Simple & Compound interest
  9. Trigonometry
  10. Number Series
  11. Number System
  12. Speed, Distance and Time
  13. Time and Work
  14. Geometry
  15. Data Interpretation
  16. Number System & Simplification
  17. Probability
  18. HCF & LCM
  19. Algebraic Expressions and in Equalities
  20. Average


  1. Circular Seating Arrangement
  2. Directions and Distances
  3. Double Lineup
  4. Linear Seating Arrangement
  5. Ordering and Ranking
  6. Scheduling
  7. Syllogism
  8. Verbal Reasoning
  9. Alphanumeric Series
  10. Blood Relations
  11. Coded Inequalities
  12. Coding-Decoding
  13. Data Sufficiency
  14. Input-Output
  15. Logical Reasoning
  16. Puzzle
  17. Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
  18. Seating Arrangement
  19. Tabulation

Nainital Bank Clerk Exam Pattern 2023

SI.NoName of the SubjectsNo. of
Time Duration
1Reasoning404035 Minutes
2English Language404035 Minutes
3Quantitative Aptitude404035 Minutes
4General Awareness (with
special reference to Banking)
404020 Minutes
5Computer Knowledge404020 Minutes
Total200200145 Minutes
  • Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness are the subjects of the Nainital Bank MT Exam Pattern 2023.
  • The officials of the Nainital Bank Limited will ask the 200 questions in the Nainital Bank PO Exam.
  • Each question carries the 1 mark and the time duration of the exam 145 Minutes.
  • There is also a negative marking for each wrong answer i.e 0.25 marks.
  • The MCQs in the question paper will be only of English language.
  • So, candidates if you want to get more clarity about the exam paper, then must check out the above Nainital Bank Exam Pattern 2023 MT & Clerk and know more details of the exam.

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