Kerala PSC Rank List 2020 Released on their Official Website. Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has released Rank List for the Post of Junior Instructor & Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade II. Usually, the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result is released within a month from the held exam date. Candidates who qualify the Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) Assistant Public Prosecutor exam will be called for the further process which is highly expected to be held in this year 2020. Candidates can download the Kerala PSC Rank List 2020 from our web site. The important dates related to Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor 2020 and further recruitment process for this year given below in the following table.

Board Name | Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) |
Name of the Post | Assistant Public Prosecutor |
Category | Result |
Official PDF Link | Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020 |
Official Site | |
Updated Date | 18-05-2020 |
Job in India | Govt Jobs |
Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020: Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Exam was conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission in 2020. To fill the posts of Assistant Public Prosecutor, Each one of those participants must possess the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020 during the selection process. Subsequently, check for the post you have applied and download cautiously the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020 from this post.
Kerala PSC Junior Instructor:
The list of candidates for selection to the post of JUNIOR INSTRUCTOR (MECHANIC REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING)(SR FROM AMONG SC/ST ONLY) (Statewide) on Rs. 13900-24040 /-(PR) in INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT, interviewed and found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 08 May 2020.
Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade II:
The list of candidates for selection to the post of ASSISTANT PUBLIC PROSECUTOR GRADE II on Rs. 40500-87000/- in KERALA STATE PROSECUTION SERVICE, interviewed and found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 14 May 2020.
Download Kerala PSC Junior Instructor Rank List 2020
Download Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Grade II Rank List 2020
How To Check Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020?
The Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020 released only in the online mode on the Kerala PSC official site @ and a direct link will be given below this article. The steps to download the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020 from the official site are given below:
Step 1: Visit the official site of Kerala PSC @
Step 2: Select the “Miscellaneous” tab.
Step 3: Click on the “Recruitment” option.
Step 4: Search for Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor and click on the link to download the PDF.
Step 5: Kerala PSC Result displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Now use “Ctrl + F” from the keyboard to search for your Roll Number. If it is there on the list, congrats you have qualified in the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor exam.
Step 7: Download and save the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor merit list PDF. Also, take a hardcopy of the same for further reference.
How will be the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Exam Cut Off 2020 Calculated?
The cutoff marks for the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor posts based on the toughness level faced by the candidates in the exam, the number of students appeared. And it will be available only after the release of the Merit List.
What about the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Merit List 2020?
Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor 2020 Merit List based solely on the candidates’ highest marks in the test. Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor 2020 issued with Roll Numbers and Name of the Candidates. Candidates in the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Merit List 2020 will proceed to the selection process for the next round. If you have any concerns about the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Merit List 2020, please visit their official website.
What is the information cited in the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Result 2020?
In Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor 2020 article, Candidates can expect about the Maximum Marks, cutoff Marks, Obtained score of each section, Sectional and Overall Cutoff marks, and by the Candidate’s classification, i.e., General, OBC, SC, ST. Applicants need to make sure about the meant Sectional and Overall Cutoff imprints to show up in the further choice procedure.
Where to find the answer key of Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor 2020?
Once the Kerala PSC Assistant Public Prosecutor 2020 Exam stage like Prelims or Mains round completed, the conductive authority publishes the approved Answer Key for the reference of the Candidate. Once the official Answer key posted on their official website, candidates can use the official answer key to cross-check their responses.

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