Indian Air Force Result 2020 Released ~ IAF Airmen (Group X & Y)

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Indian Air Force Result 2020 Released – Download IAF Airmen (Group X & Y) Enrollment List. Central Airmen Selection Board has released the Enrollment list, Provisional select list and Advance Intimation list for the Airmen (Group X & Y) (Intake: 02/2020). The Online Examination was held successfully on 21-09-2019 to 24-09-2019. Appeared candidates for the selection process can verify their result at below link. We congratulate the candidates who have chosen in this list and know additional details in this web page. Stay Active with us for additional updates regarding Indian Air Force Result 2020.

Indian Air Force Result 2020
Board NameCentral Airmen Selection Board
Post NameAirmen (Group X & Y)
Exam Date21.09.2019 to 24.09.2019
StatusResult Released
CategoryExam Results
Enrollment list and Provisional select listDownload Below

Indian Air Force Result 2020 – Provisional Select List and Enrollment List

Indian Air Force Result 2020 Enrollment List Details:

  1. This List is in order of ASC & Roll Number of the candidates and it does not indicate merit position.
  2. e-Call letters in respect of under mentioned candidates have been uploaded in candidate Login-id and sent on Email-id as mentioned by the candidates during STAR registration.
  3. In case e-Call Letter is not received by a candidate whose name figures in this Enrollment List, he is to take print out of the page where his name has figured in the Enrollment List and report to respective Training Institute on the reporting date as mentioned in the Enrollment List.
  4. Important Instructions to be adhered to by candidates, COVID-19 Undertaking, Consent Form (if applicable), Joining Instructions and other applicable forms are available on the website
  5. Candidates figuring in one or more PSLs published on the same date will be called for enrollment in only one Group / Trade as per the requirement of IAF. President CASB reserves the right to allocate any Group/Trade to a candidate appearing in more than one PSL published on same date. If a candidate absents or expresses unwillingness to join IAF in the Trade / Group in which he is called for enrollment, his candidature may get cancelled for all existing PSLs.
  6. Additional enrollment list in respect of Group ’X’ (Tech) who would be called for enrollment tentatively planned on 29 Jul 2020 or later will be published on CASB website on 12 Jul 2020 to cater for the deficiencies if any, arising during enrollment. Instructions for the same will be published along with Additional Enrollment List. Advance intimation letters have been sent to such candidates who are likely to be considered for enrollment and may be required to move at a short notice. Advance Intimation List for such candidates is also published and available on CASB website.
  7. Candidates called for enrollment will be subjected to pre-medical examination prior to their enrollment in IAF.
  8. If the Enrollment date is deferred in light of COVID-19 Pandemic, the same would be conveyed to all concerned through a notice on CASB website
  9. For any query, candidates are to contact their respective ASCs

Advance Intimation List:

The List is to intimate that you are likely to be considered for Enrollment tentatively planned on 29 Jul 20 or later for Intake 02/2020) in above mentioned Group/Trade subject to availability of vacancy during enrollment which may arise due to absenteeism, medical unfitness, unwillingness etc. of candidates in the enrollment list who are higher in merit than you.

The list is an advance intimation to you to prepare yourself to move at a short notice to BTI, Belagavi, only after checking your name in the Additional Enrollment List which will be published on 12 JUL 20. Intimation letters in respect of these candidates have already been sent on Email-id/ uploaded in Individual Candidate Login on CASB website

Provisional Select List:

  1. The Provisional Select List Is Displayed As Per The Merit Position Of The Candidates And It Includes More Number Of Candidates Than The Actual Vacancy To Cater For Deficiencies That May Arise On The Day Of Enrollment Due To Absenteeism, Medical Unfitness, Unwillingness Etc.
  2. Candidates whose names appear in Provisional Select List (PSL) are NOT (R) NOT guaranteed enrollment.
  3. Candidates Whose Names Do Not Appear In Psl Although Have Passed The Selection Tests Denotes That They Are Low In Merit Hence, Failed To Secure Place In Psl.
  4. Enrollment will be strictly as per the merit position subject to: –
  • Availability of vacancies.
  • Medical Fitness.
  • Not exceeding the upper age limit for enrollment i.e. 25/28 years (as per Educational Qualification) as on date of enrollment for Education Instructors.
  • Validity of PSL.
  1. Candidates figuring in one or more PSLs published on the same date will be called for enrollment in only one Group / Trade as per the requirement of IAF. President CASB reserves the right to allocate any Group/Trade to a candidate appearing in more than one PSL published on the same date. If a candidate absents or expresses unwillingness to join IAF in the Trade / Group in which he is called for enrollment his candidature will get automatically cancelled for all existing PSLs.
  2. Candidates can apply for selection any number of times if they meet: – •Requisite qualifications with pass percentage. • Within the permissible age limits as published in advertisements for Selection Test/Recruitment Rallies.
  3. Candidates who are not called for enrollment from this PSL, their candidature will automatically get cancelled and they will not be considered for future enrollments from this PSL. They may apply afresh subject to meeting eligibility conditions. Thus, candidates are advised not to discontinue their studies/job, if any in the interim period.
  4. The medical disposal (FIT / UNFIT) of the candidate is Provisional. The candidature of the candidates who have become UNFIT / ABSENT in the Appeal Medical Board (AMB) automatically stands cancelled (R) cancelled.
  5. Candidature of candidates against whom ‘CSV’ (Certificate Subject to Verification) is annotated in the Remarks column is provisional. They Are To Produce Original Certificates To The Concerned Co, Asc By 09-06-2020 Failing Which The Candidature Is Liable To Be Cancelled.
  6. Enrollment List will be published on 09-06-2020 and instructions for the same will be published in the column ‘Instructions for the Candidates’ on the first page of the Enrollment List. Change of dates if any in the publishing of Enrollment List would be notified on CASB website

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