HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana 2021 ~ Check PDF

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HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana: Government of Himachal Pradesh to propagate livelihood among the poor people have introduced HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee (MMSAGY )Yojana. Through this Yojana, the government will provide 120 days of employment to propagate urban security livelihood to every household in a financial year. This will cover huge beneficiary under HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana. The complete detail of yojana is depicted in the article below. Have a look over the details mentioned below and clear your all queries regarding MMSAGY yojana.

At the time of the COVID-19 period when most of the individuals have to quit their job and now it is very difficult to search for a new job. Therefore, the government provides a wonderful scheme which will be very helpful for applicants as it will be providing 120 days of employment to the beneficiaries.

AuthorityGovernment of Himachal Pradesh
Official WebsiteHimachal.nic.in
CategoryState Scheme/Yojana
Name of SchemeMukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana
Name of Concerned DepartmentUrban Development Department
Official Websitehttp://ud.hp.gov.in/
BeneficiariesPeople of State
ObjectiveEnhance livelihood in urban areas
Employment Guaranteed for120 days
LocationHimachal Pradesh

Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana 2021

The authority will be starting online registration for the scheme very soon on their portal. Registration will be done by visiting the official portal for the scheme. The applicant can click on http://mmsagy.hp.gov.in/home.aspx to register themselves in the yojana. Currently, the status of online registration for the scheme is available. Direct links are available at the end of the page.

In the scheme, we will be telling you about objectives, goals, components, coverage duration, wage payment, etc. Please read the article and do share your queries in the comment section below.

Complete Details about MMSAGY 2021

Applicant can have complete details about MMSAGY through the table given below. Applicants need to read the mentioned point carefully so as to have relevant information about the yojana.

Objectives of the Scheme

The main objective behind Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana is to propagate livelihood securities in urban areas. Thus aiming for it, the government will provide 120 days of employment for every household in a financial year. This will promote employment in the state. The scheme is propelled by the state government and the department assigned to it is Urban Development Department.

Goals of MMSAGY

  • To strengthen the quality of civic facilities and urban infrastructure in the urban local body.
  • The government plans to achieve a goal of providing livelihood security to urban households by giving 120 days of guaranteed employment.
  • Through employment, individuals can get enhance their skills and can set up their own enterprises in the coming time.
  • The migrants who are unemployed can get employment through the MMSAGY yojana.

Eligibility Criteria for the MMSAGY Yojana

The applicants registering for the yojana must satisfy prescribed eligibility criteria so as to apply for the Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee scheme. Please refer to the list mentioned below in which we have mentioned complete eligibility details.

  • Candidates applying under the scheme must be fully eligible to work.
  • To apply for the yojana the applicant must be a local resident of state of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Applicant willing to do skilled word under work executed by local urban body departments is also eligible.
  • The complete definition of household covers the husband, wife, and minor children in the family. The children are not allowed to work.
  • The age limit to apply for the scheme starts from 18 years and the maximum age for work shall be 65 years.


Components of HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana

The applicant can have an overview of the scheme through the steps given below. Please refer to the details mentioned on the page.

  1. Employment Guaranteed – Candidates clearing prescribed criteria given by the authority will be eligible for 120 days of employment. The local bodies will not depute the applicant for more than 120 days.
  2. The maximum period for Employment – The maximum period of employment will be 120 days.
  3. Skill Training – Along with employment, the applicant will also receive skill training from the authority so that in near future they can set up their own enterprise.
  4. Bank Linkage – The applicant will be provided a loan under the DAY-NULM.

Download HP MMSAGY Application Form / Job Card Format

The applicant looking for the yojana can download the HP MMSAGY application or job card format through the following steps mentioned below. The applicant has to fill the application form through which they can easily enroll for employment. Have a look over the details given below.

  • Initially visit the official portal of the urban development department i.e. http://ud.hp.gov.in/
  • Now, on the latest news and scheme section tap on Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana.
  • Click on the link and a new page will appear on the screen.
  • On the page, you will be provided with a different option that is “Click here to download for More Info (Size: 2.2 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English)”
  • Tap on this link and the application brochure will appear on the screen.
  • Read the complete details and proceed to the last page of the application brochure.
  • The applicant will have the application format for the scheme.
  • Individuals can download the application brochure or just the application format.
  • Take a copy of the MMSAGY application form after it is downloaded.

After 15 days of registration, the applicant will start receiving unemployment allowances. The unemployment allowances provided by the government per day are Rs 75. However, the job card will be provided within 7 days of the registration.

How to register for Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana

The applicant can enroll in the scheme directly by following the instructions given in the above paragraph. The online registration for the scheme is open now. Have more information through the direct links below. Please read the complete steps below.

  • Visit the official portal of the urban development department i.e. http://ud.hp.gov.in/
  • The homepage of the official portal will appear on the screen.
  • The applicant has to search for an MMSAGY scheme that will be available on the latest release.
  • Tap on the link and MMMSAGY important links will appear on the screen as shown below.
  • Tap on the link and the homepage of the scheme page will appear on the screen.
  • Fill in the details asked in the form and proceed to submit the form.
  • Take a copy of the application after submitting it.

HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana – Click Here to apply

Applicant New Registration – Click Here

Applicant Login – Click Here

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