Ganjam District Court Junior Clerk Syllabus 2021: Ganjam DC Copyist Syllabus with Exam Pattern is mentioned below the page. Collect the Ganjam District Court Jr Typist & Stenographer Syllabus for getting qualify by using their efficient preparation process. With the help of Ganjam District Court Preparation Books and Study Materials, all the applied candidates can cover all the chapters. Download the Ganjam DC Jr Clerk Admit Card for the upcoming written exam on September/October (expected), the Ganjam District Court Exam Date and Exam Centre is release along with the Call Letter publication. Keep visiting PuzzlesHuB to know the Ganjam District Court Recruitment 2021 latest updates.
Organization Name | Office of the District Judge, Ganjam |
Post Names | Junior Clerk/ Copyist, Junior Typist, Stenographer Grade III, Salaried Admin |
Total Vacancies | 121 |
Notification Date | 16th July 2021 |
Closing Date | 19th August 2021 |
Application Mode | Offline |
Category | Government Jobs |
Selection Process | Written Test, Typing Writing and Shorthand Test, Computer Science Test (Practical), and Viva Voce |
Job Location | Berhampur |
Official Site | |
Ganjam District Court Junior Clerk Syllabus 2021
ENGLISH: a. An essay to be written in English.
- A letter or application to be written in English .
- One Oriya passage to be trarislated into English.
- One English passage to be tr anslated into Oriya.
- Summary of one English passage.
ARITHM ETIC: Vulgar fractions and decimals, H.C.F. and L.C.M., Simple and Compound interest, simple and compound Practice, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Mixtures, Partnership, Averages, Rates and Taxes, Insurance, Square and Cubic Measures, Problems on time and work and on time and distance.
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of current events and such other matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected from an educated person.
COMPUTER SCIENCE TEST {PRACTICAL) : To test the proficiency of the candidate relating to matters like “Text formatting of the paragraphs, Insertion of the table, Skill to print and save, File transfer,
Web-site searching/browsing and downloading, e-mail, use of pen-drive and other software, etc. and programs of accounting”
VIVA-VOCE: To test and assess the suitability of a candidate for the post with particular reference to the candidate’s alertness, general outlook, and potential qualities.
The successful candidates in the written qualifying examination shall be called for the Type Writing test. Candidates selected in the Typewriting test shall be called for the Computer Science test (Practical) and the candidates qualified in the said Computer Science test (Practical) shall be eligible for the viva-voce test. Qualifying candidates are required to bring their own Type Writers during Typewriting test.
The detailed syllabus for each subject of the written test shall be as follows:
- English (qualifying in nature) is same as detailed above for the post of Junior Clerk/ Copyist.
- For the post of Typist, a candidate shall be given a written passage containing 400 words in English language, which he/she shall reproduce in type script in 10 (Ten) minutes.
- Computer Science Test (Practical) is same as detailed above for the Post of Junior Clerk/ Copyist.
For Stenographer Grade-III :
The successful candidates in the written qualifying examination shall be called for the Type Writing and Shorthand test for the post of Stenographer Grade-Ill. Candidates selected in the Typewriting and Shorthand test shall be called for Computer Science test (Practical) and the candidates qualified in the said Computer Science test (Practical) shall be eligible for the viva-voce test. Qualifying candidates are required to bring their own Type Writers during the Typewriting test.
The detailed syllabus for each subject of the written test shall be as follows.
- English (qualifying in nature) is same as detailed above for the post of Junior Clerk/Copyist.
- For the post of Stenographer Grade-Ill, a candidate shall be dictated a passage of 400 words in English language in five minutes, which shall be taken in Shorthand on Shorthand note sheet supplied by the Examiner. Candida te s shall reproduce such shorthand test tor’400 words in Type script in 10 minutes.
- Computer Science Test (Practical) is same as detailed above for the post of Junior Clerk/ Copyist .
For Salaried Amin. :
The detailed syllabus for the Subject of the written test shall be as follows.
- English (qualifying in nature) is same as detailed above for the post of Junior Clerk/Copyist.
- Arithmetic: Vulgar fractions and decimals, H.C.F. and l.C.M., Sim pl e
and Compound interest, Simple and Compound practice, Percentage, Profit and loss, Mixtures, Average, Square, and Cubic Measures, Problems on time and work, and on time and distance.
- Candidate should have sound knowledge in Survey & Set tlem ent.
The candidates who have secured 35% of mark each in Arithmetic & Technical Knowledge in Survey & Settlement {Theory) test are eligible for Technical knowledge in Survey and Settlement (Practical) test and viva voice! test. On the basis of marks secured in the above tests (excluding the English test which is qualifying in nature), a merit list shall be prepared.
Ganjam District Court Exam Pattern
Junior Clerk/ Copyist
SI. No. | Subject | Marks | Duration of Test. |
1 | English | 100 | 2 hours. |
2 | Arithmetic | 100 | 1 hour. |
3 | General Knowledge | 100 | 1 hour |
·4 | Computer Science Test (Practical) | 100 | 1 hour |
5 | Viva-Voce Test | 45 | — |
Junior Typist
SI. No. | Subject | Marks | Duration of Test. |
1 | English (qualifying in nature) | 100 | 2 hours. |
2 | Type Writing Test | 50 | 10 minutes |
3 | Computer Science Test (Practical) | 100 | 1 hour |
4 | Viva-Voce Test | 35 | — |
Stenographer Grade-Ill
SI. No. | Subject | Mark s | Duration of Test. |
1 | English (qualifying in nature) | 100 | 2 hours. |
2 | Shorthand and Type Writing Test | 50 | 15 minutes. |
3 | Computer Science Test (Practical) | 100 | 1 hour. |
4 | Viva-Voce Test | 35 | — |
Salaried Amin.
SI. No. | Subject | Marks | Duration of Test |
1 | English (qualifying in nature) | 100 | 2 hours |
2 | Arithmetic | 50 | ½ an hour |
3 | Technical knowledge in Survey and Settlement (Theory) | 50 | ½ an hour |
4 | Technical knowledge in Survey and Settlement (Practical) | 25 | ½ an hour |
5 | Viva-Voce Test | 25 | – |
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