Daily Puzzle Questions (23-01-2020)

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Here you will get 2 to 5 Puzzle Questions from Monday to Friday. Daily Visit PuzzlesHuB to solve these puzzle questions on daily basis to improve your score in reasoning section. All the Puzzles provided here are good quality puzzles and based on real exam level. If you like these puzzles & want us to continue provide you quality puzzles, please share our website with all your Aspirants friends.

SBI Clerk & RBI Assistant Prelims Targeted Puzzles

Puzzle 1

Eight persons Abhinav, Balram, Chetna, Deepa, Esha, Furkan, Gagan and Harshit are sitting in a straight line. Some persons are facing north and some are facing south.

(A). Two persons sit between Gagan and Abhinav. The persons sitting at the extreme ends face the opposite direction. Deepa faces towards the South direction.

(B). Esha sits third to the right of Furkan. Abhinav sits second to the left of Esha.

(C). Balram sits third to the right of Deepa. Neither Balram nor Deepa is an immediate neighbour of Abhinav.

(D). Gagan is third to the right of Abhinav who is the immediate right of Chetna.

(E). Balram is second to the right of Harshit.

(F). Abhinav is sitting at one of the extreme ends.

Solution :

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Puzzle 2

There are 5 persons P, Q, R, S and T who have different Salary, Age and Height. They like different colors, Red, Blue, Green, Pink and White, but not necessarily in the same order.

i. The one who is the youngest likes Blue.

ii. R is neither the lowest nor the highest in any category and likes Green.

iii. P earns less than Q but taller than R.

iv. T is the oldest person and S is the tallest person.

v. The salary and age of R is less than only 1 person.

vi. The ranking of Q is better than P in each category.

vii. The one who likes Pink is earn highest salary.

viii. S earns the least among all.

ix. T likes White and S is older than only one person.

x. P earns more than the one who likes White.

Solution :

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Puzzle 3

Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G who watched different tv serials-Dexter, Shooter, Friends, Homeland, Suits, Sherlock and Vikings- each one on a different day of the week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.

C watched Vikings on Monday. On the last day of the week the person watched Homeland. E watched the serial on the next day of A, who watched Sherlock and E watched the serial on the previous day of G. D watched Suits on Friday. B did not watch either Friends or Homeland and G watched Dexter.

Solution :

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Puzzle 4

Eight persons M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T live on eight floor building. Ground floor is numbered 1, and so on till topmost floor numbered 8 but not necessarily in the same order.

Only one person lives between Q and T. Q lives above T. R does not live on odd—numbered floor. M lives on the floor numbered five. Only two people live between M and N. M lives below N. S lives immediately above P. Q live immediately above O. R lives immediately above Q. There are two persons live between S and R.

Solution :

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Puzzle 5

Twelve girl students L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing east.

Q is third to the right of M and T is sitting near L. Six girl students are sitting between W and O. R is fourth to the right of O and S is fifth to the left of P, who is eight to the right of W. L is sitting on sixth place from the right end. U is not near to R and S. V is sitting on the fourth place to the left of L.

Solution :

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