Daily Puzzle Questions (04-03-2020)

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Here you will get 2 to 5 Puzzle Questions from Monday to Friday. Daily Visit PuzzlesHuB to solve these puzzle questions on a daily basis to improve your score in the reasoning section. All the Puzzles provided here are good quality puzzles and based on real exam level. If you like these puzzles & want us to continue to provide you quality puzzles, please share our website with all your Aspirants friends.

SBI CLERK Pre & RBI Assistant Mains Targeted Puzzles :

Puzzle 1

Nine boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are arranged one above another in different shelves numbered 1 to 9 from bottom to top. The lowermost shelf is numbered as 1 and the shelf above 1 is numbered as 2 and so on. All the information is not necessary to be in the same order.

Box F is placed at one of the position below Box E in an even numbered position. Box D is two places above E. Number of boxes above E is as same as the number of boxes below C. Box C is placed at one of the position below E. Three boxes are placed between Box G and I. Box B is placed above A but below H. Not more than three boxes are placed between Box G and Box H. The shelf number and the place value of the alphabet of the box placed in the shelf are not same in any shelves. (E.g. Place value of Box C in alphabet series is 3; so box C is not placed in the shelf numbered 3).

Solution :

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Puzzle 2

Nine persons – Dany, Richard, Smith, Bravo, Pollard, Kevin, Aswin, Sharma and Vijay, have an Exam on either 22nd or 27th of the months of March, April and May of year 2019. Note: At least one person and not more than two people have an exam on same day.

Aswin have exam on odd numbered date, but not immediately before or after Dany. Neither Aswin and Smith, nor Aswin and Pollard, have exam on the same day. Only one person have exam on the day on which Richard had. Smith have exam after Pollard. Dany have exam before Pollard, in the month having even numbered days. Smith have exam in May and immediately after Vijay. Bravo and Smith have exam on the same day. Kevin have exam immediately after Richard. Richard have exam immediately after Sharma, who have exam on even numbered date.

Solution :

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Puzzle 3

Ten persons P-Y lives in five different floors. Each floor has two flats. Flat A and flat B. Flat A is exactly to the west of flat B. Only one person lives in each flat .

S lives in top most floor. There are two floor between S and P and both of them lives in same flat. R lives to the east of P. There is one floor gap between R and Q and both of them lives in different flat. T lives immediately above Q. W lives to the east of U but not on bottom most floor. Neither V nor Y lives on bottom floor of flat A. V lives above Y.

Solution :

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Puzzle 4

Ten persons F, B, D, S, I, A, Q, G, Z and C are liveson 10 floor building.The lowermost floor is numbered 1, above the floor numbered 2, & so on.

Three persons are living between G & F. G lives an odd numbered floor but above floor numbered 5. Only one person lives between Q & Z who is lives an odd numbered floor. One person lives between C & A. Two floors are there between D & I.Neither F nor G was immediately above or immediately below of C.B lives above S. I is not the immediate neighbor of B. Q is not the immediate neighbor of A.

Solution :

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Puzzle 5

There are seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G attend marriage in seven days of a week Sunday to Saturday, not necessarily in the same order.

B attends marriage after E. Number of persons between D and E is one less than the number of persons between D and B. Only one person attend marriage between A and C. Number of persons attend marriage before D is equal to Number of persons attend marriage after G. B attends marriage immediately before F. A attends marriage before Wednesday. G attends marriage after D.

Solution :

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