Bihar Kisan Yojana 2021 ~ Registration, Apply Here, Check Status

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Bihar Kisan Yojana 2021 @ As agriculture is the backbone of the economy of Bihar as well the whole country, the government has come up with this scheme to provide financial assistance to the farmers.  PM-KISAN Samman Scheme has been launched basically to augment the income and lifestyle of the Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs) of the country.

The government of India launched PM Kisaan Samman Nidhi Scheme on 1st February 2019 for the financial upliftment of the landholding farmers. The total funding of this scheme is done by the central govt. These funds will be transferred to beneficiaries in three installments.

Bihar Kisan Yojana 2021

Name of the SchemeBihar Kisan Yojna
Article categoryApplication
Concerned departmentAgricultural Department, Government of Bihar   
Launch of Year2019
BeneficiariesSmall and Marginal Farmers (SMFs)
Fund allotted to beneficiariesRs.6000/- per year
Application processClosed
Mode of applicationOnline

बिहार किसान सम्मान निधि योजना 2021

The scheme is also applicable in Bihar like in other states. The registration process is currently active. The farmers from Bihar who are eligible and have not applied can apply online. The last date for registration has not been announced yet.   

The article consists of all the necessary details about Bihar Kissan Yojana and other existing schemes.  

Bihar Kisan Yojana Important Dates

Important EventsDates
Launch date of scheme1st February 2019
Commencement of Registration2nd February 2019
Registration dateInactive
Last date for registrationTo be notified

Bihar Kisan Yojana Statistics

You can check the current statistics (as on 12th October 2019) along with the application status of PM Kisaan Scheme and other scheme running in the state shared in the table below-

ParticularsStatistics (No of registered farmers)Application status
Registered Farmers  1,63,23,322Register
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme1,16,94,228Active Now
Seed Subsidy Registration14,08,855 Active Now
Water life green40,635Active Now
Input Subsidy for Drought affected blocks1629782Closed now
PM Agriculture irrigation Scheme18408Active Now
Diesel Subsidy (Kharif)19,38,207 (2018-2019)
11,64,938 (2019-2020)
Agricultural Mechanization Scheme2,39,438Active Now
Diesel Subsidy (Rabi)22,92,535Closed Now
Organic Farming Subsidy22,721Closed Now

Bihar Kisan Yojana Eligibility 2021

Before applying, applicants should make sure that they fulfill all the eligibility requirements. All the families having cultivable landholding up to 2 hectares in the state. Their name, gender, and other details should be there in the land records of Bihar State as on 1st February 2019. Only such farmers are eligible to apply and get the benefit of this scheme.

Documents Required

In order to apply for this scheme, farmers are required to have following details and documents ready with them-

  1. A valid mobile No.
  2. Citizenship certificate i.e. domicile of Bihar
  3. Landholding papers such as imitation of agricultural land Khatauni
  4. Aadhaar card   
  5. Bank account details such as SA/ SBA/ Jan Dhan Bank Account Number, IFSC code etc.

Bihar Kisan Yojana Application Process

Applications for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna and other state schemes in Bihar will be submitted only through the online mode. Applications can be submitted only on official website of Bihar Agriculture Department.

Before submitting application, applicants should keep all the required details and ready with them.  They must read all the necessary instructions. They must submit only authentic details in the application form otherwise applications can be rejected.

As the application procedure is active now, they should apply before the closing date. However, closing date has not been announced yet. 

How to submit Bihar PMK Scheme Application?

Eligible farmers from the state of Bihar can still apply for PM Kissan Nidhi who have not applied yet. They can take help from the application process shared below to submit online application- 

  • Step 1- Visit the official portal

Applicants have to start by visiting the official website of Agriculture Department of Bihar i.e.

  • Step 2- Click on application link

Applicants have to click on “ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें” tab given on the homepage of the website.

  • Step 2- Select PM Kisan scheme option

A dropdown list will appear. Candidates have to click on “प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना” option.  

  • Step 3- Choose User Type

Users have to select the user type. If you are submitting your application by yourself then you have to click on “General User” option.   

  • Step 4- Enter Registration No.

Now, applicants have to fill their 13-digit farmer’s registration No. in space provided issued to them at the time of farmer registration on Bihar agriculture department portal.    

  • Step 5- Application Form Appears 

Now, PM Kisan Yojana application form will appear. Fill all the details and upload necessary documents by following instructions.

  • Step 6- Re-check the details

Candidates should check all the details entered in the form before submission.

  • Step 7- Submit the Application  

Lastly, applicants can submit the application by clicking on “Submit” button.

Bihar Farmer Registration 2021

Farmers from Bihar state are required to register themselves first with the agriculture department portal of the state in order to submit applications for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna.

The procedure for registration is shared as under-

  1. Go to the official website first i.e.
  2. Click on “पंजीकरण” link given on the menu bar and select “पंजीकरण करें” option from the dropdown list.
  3. Select “General User” option.
  4. Choose Authentication type and enter the valid Aadhaar no.
  5. Authenticate by entering the OTP.
  6. Fill the registration form.
  7. On successful registration, applicants will be issued a unique registration no. They must keep the registration no. safe for further logins.

After registration candidates can check their registration status and download acknowledgment receipt by using valid the registration no.

How to check Bihar Kisan Application Status?

After submitting applications for any of the scheme, applicants can view their application status. To check PMKSN Scheme application status and print the application form, applicants can follow the instructions shared below-

  1. Open
  2. Click on “आवेदन की स्थिति / आवेदन प्रिंट” tab.
  3. Select PM Kisan scheme option.
  4. Enter the application no. and click on search button.
  5. Application status will appear.  

For the print of application-

  • Click on PM-KISAN application form print option.
  • Enter the application/ registration no. and click on search button.
  • Application form will appear. Click on “print” option to take the printout.  

Farmer Rejected List by PFMS

There are number of farmers whose applications have been rejected by PFMS due to various reasons. These include-

  • Those who have entered their name in the Hindi language instead of English.
  • Whose names and bank account details are matching
  • Incorrect IFSC code
  • Incorrect bank account
  • Incorrect village name etc.

Farmers can check rejected list by following the instructions provided below-

  • On the homepage of the portal, click on on “आवेदन की स्थिति / आवेदन प्रिंट” tab.
  • Select “PM-KISAN अस्वीकृत आवेदन सूची (PFMS)” option from the dropdown list.
  • Select respective District and Block and click on “Search” button.
  • Rejected list of beneficiaries will appear.

Correction in Details

In case, candidates have made any mistake in the application details, they can also correct them. They just have to follow the given steps-

  • Click on the “विवरण संशोधन” option given on the homepage of the portal.
  • Click on the PM-KISAN correction option.
  • Enter the 13-digit registration no in the respective box and click on the search button.
  • Details will appear.
  • Click on the edit option and make submit the changes.

 For correction in Aadhaar details, farmers can also visit nearest CSC or SAHAJ center.

Important Links-  

  • Farmer Registration-
  • Re-consider form for PM Kisaan Samman Nidhi-
  • Application for Seed Subsidy-
  • PM Agriculture Irrigation Scheme-
  • Application for Diesel Subsidy Khareef-
  • Application for Agricultural Mechanization Scheme-
  • Farmer rejection list-
  • Printing of PM Kisan scheme application form-
  • Printing of Diesel subsidy application form-

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any other mode of application available? 

No, eligible farmers can register and submit their application only through online mode i.e. from the official website of agriculture dept.How can apply for PM Kisaan Scheme?

You can either visit the nearest CSC or SAHAJ center for online application or if you wish you can also submit your application by your own from your desktop or laptop/ tablet. What is the deadline for the submission of the online application for PM Kisaan Yojna?

As of now, the concerned department has not announced any deadline for registration.Is there any charge applicable for applying from a CSC/ SAHAJ center?

No, submitting application from CSC or SAHAJ center is totally free of cost.What are CSC and SAHAJ centers?

CSC i.e. Common Service Centers and Sahaj Centers are the physical centers at every village helps in promoting all the schemes and programs launched by state and Central Govt using technology. They basically provide assistance to the citizens (mainly in rural areas) related to all the schemes, like filling of application forms, renewal, etc.How can I get information about the nearest CSC or SAHAJ center?

You can check your CSC or SAHAJ center from the official website. For that, you can follow the instructions shared below-
Go to dbt
Click on the Contact option i.e. “संपर्क करें” tab given on the homepage.
Click on “सहज/ सी.एस.सी. केंद्र” option.
Now fill in Agency, District, Block, Gram Panchayat details and click on the search button.
The details of the respective agency (i.e. SAHAJ/ CSC) center will appear. Will I get the funds for this scheme in my account?

Yes, the amount of the benefit will be directly transferred to your registered bank account.Is Aadhaar Card mandatory for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi application?     

Yes, without Aadhaar card farmers cannot apply. Those who do not have their aadhaar card can visit nearest CSC center and apply.  

If you have any question related to बिहार किसान सम्मान निधि पंजीकरण, then comment below and our team will respond to you.


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